DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Wednesday, 11th October 2023

Bible Reading: Isaiah 43: 2-3

Memory Verse: The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm99-10(NIV)

…Continued from yesterday. The matron at the hospital guessed she was a bride. They went around the churches for a missing bride. By divine coincidence, the first church they called at was All Saints Cathedral. “Are you missing a bride?” the nurse asked. For privacy, she was moved to another hospital. There the doctor gave her some devastating news: “The stab wound went deep into your womb, so you won’t be able to carry any children.”

Harry kept saying he still wanted to marry her. “I want to take care of her and make sure she comes back to good health in my arms, in our house,” he said. The police never caught the rapists. She went to line-up after line-up but didn’t recognise any of the men. It set back her recovery – it was 10 steps forward, 20 back.

She gave up eventually searching for the culprits. Thankfully, she was HIV-negative. Plans for a began a second wedding began. No thanks to the press intrusion still God used it to his glory. Somebody read her story and asked to meet her. Her name was Vip Ogolla, and she was also a rape survivor. She decided to finance the wedding. In July 2005, seven months after her first planned wedding, she got married to Harry and went on a honeymoon.

Twenty nine days later on a cold night, the fumes from the charcoal burner lit in the room choked the room. They both landed in the hospital but Harry didn’t make it. People thought she was cursed and withdrew their children from her. She was downcast.

One day as she was sitting on the balcony looking at the birds chirping away, she said: “’God, how can you take care of the birds and not me?’ In that instant I remembered there are 24 hours in a day – sitting in depression with your curtains closed, no-one’s going to give you back those 24 hours. Before you know, it’s a week, a month, a year wasted away. That was a tough reality.”

QuoteNo matter the volume of pain, worry and depression has never solved a problem.

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to see the fourth man in the furnace of your affliction, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus 

1. Any evil perfume magnetizing evil to me, be quenched in Jesus name.

2. Die hard enemy of my marital joy, perish after the order of the Philistines, in Jesus name.

3. Wind of constant marital pandemonium, blow away by fire, in Jesus name.

4. Anti-marital spells, be neutralized by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

5. My enemies rejoice not over me, when I fall, I shall rise. When I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me (Micah 7:8).

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Matthew 9, Luke 7

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