DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Sunday, 10th July, 2022

Bible Reading:  Matthew 7: 15-23, 2 Timothy 3: 1,5

Memory Verse:  Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16 (NKJV)

Sexual Purity Ambassador, Pastor Victor Olukoji further said, “Before you become as gentle as a dove, you must first be as wise as a serpent! Be wise because the days are evil. Destiny terminators don’t wear masks. Many times, they are seemingly real people around you. Beware and be warned. Guard your loins. Don’t just pray and pray. Watch as you pray is the instruction! Why should anyone with whatever name or designation demand to see you alone in his house when his wife and any other person is not at home? Why is he asking you to meet him in a hotel or a private place without anyone’s knowledge?  

Excuse me, for what? Why is he chatting you up in an ungodly hour when there is no emergency? Why are you covering such a man up? Why are you keeping mute and refusing to speak out? Why must you wait until the damage is done? I don’t care if that man is called a pastor. Of course, no true servant of God will do that. Except he’s a criminal in collar. A hireling who murders those he supposed to mother! Who nails those he ought to nurse; feeding and feasting on those he supposed to feed with God’s word. Shameless shepherd! He is thief of destiny. Flow of anointing is not the true test of a good mentor. Ability to preach well and oratory prowess are not true test of a good mentor. A mad man can preach a great gospel message. I saw one recently and I am still repenting of my lukewarmness.

The test of a true mentor is in his character not name, fame or money. Faithfulness, integrity, purity, kindness, love, patience and the likes are things you should look out for. Jesus said: By their fruits, you will know them. Fruits are visible. Not hidden. Just look well and you will see it clearly. Before you get close or ask anyone to mentor you, ask questions, investigate and pray well. Who do men say he is? Jesus once asked: “Who do men say I am?” Test the spirit. Don’t be emotional about it. If you are not satisfied, don’t go ahead, please. Verify before you trust.

Why must you trust me if you don’t know who I am? Let God give you a witness in your spirit before you entrust your life in the hands of any mortal. It’s a matter of life and death. You may not have a direct access to a good and godly mentor, yet you may benefit from him more than those who are close to him. Kenneth Hagins mentored a host of ministers in Nigeria yet he never visited this country! They read his books over and over again!

Quote:  But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light –  2 Corinthians 11:14 (NLT)

Prophetic Decree:  Receive the Spirit of discernment, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Arise O God in judgement, deal with those using your name to perpetuate evil, in Jesus name.

2. Let the judgement of God come upon evil mentors who defile young girls, in Jesus name.

3. We command the judgement of God upon unrepentant pedophiles, in Jesus name.

4. Let your judgement start in your temple, O God, in Jesus name.

5. I refuse to walk in the trap of evil ministers who appear as wolves in sheep clothings, in Jesus mighty name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Isaiah 5-8

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