DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Friday, 31st March, 2023

Bible Reading: Psalm 149: 1-9; 2 Chronicles 20:16-23

Memory VersePraise God with songs on your lips and a sword in your hand. Psalm 149:6 (CEV)

It was song minister, Don Moen who wrote the song “Give thanks with a grateful heart” to adore the one who sits around the 7 candlesticks. Isn’t God worthy of all the praises? Today is the last day of the first quarter in the Year 2023, and our God has been overtly faithful. As I have often told you: Only those who think deep can count their blessings and name them one by one. 

Moreover, it is not all battle that we fight with the weapon of prayers. Don’t forget: Jesus is the Captain of our host. He gives the strategy needed to win the battle, and should we follow, He comes down with the host of heaven.  

One of such battles conquered by praise was the battle of king Judah against three groups of enemies in 2 Chronicles 20:16-23. There were three kings that came against Judah and they had no might or power against these kings; each of them were much stronger than Judah. They didn’t know what to do, so they returned to God to find out what to do and God said, set yourself and see my salvation. It means, set yourself in praise. “Turn me on, bring me in; I’ll level them out for you”. As they began to sing and to praise, God came down because He inhabits the praises of His people. Perhaps you have warred with the devil for too long, you may need to convert your war ground into a praise arena. 

A Father in faith of one of the men of God in Nigeria asked his son how he was able to gather hundreds of thousands for each service. He simply said he danced them there. He was engaging in vigils of Davidic praise and dance, while the earth brought forth his Church’s increase. Psalms 67:5-6 (NASB), “Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You. The earth has yielded its produce; God, our God, blesses us.”

Praise focuses on the integrity of what is written and what may be happening not withstanding (Psalm 56:4, 10). His Word is our focus in praise. God cannot fail, God cannot lie; God will never deny what He has said. His word is ye and amen. So I celebrate You my God; Your integrity is unmatchable, Your integrity is impeccable. So that’s our God ordained focus in praise. Praising God for the integrity of His word and then for the ability of His counsel and by so doing, we provoke His manifestation in our lives. It is not about what is happening, it is about what God has spoken. Praise is an ever prevailing, ever winning weapon of war.

Quote:  Praise heals the soul, and at the same time sets the enemies in confusion.

Prophetic Decree: As you praise God, your healing shall take place, and the host of heaven shall set confusion in the camp of your enemies, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your power of praise.

2. I receive the garment of praise in season and out of season, in Jesus name.

3. We send the altar of confusion into the camp of the enemies as a result of our praise, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, execute vengeance and judgement upon the heathen and punish the people as a result of my praise, in Jesus name (Psalm 148:7,9).

5. O Lord, bind the kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron as a praise you, in Jesus name (Psalm 149:8).


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