DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Saturday, 3rd February 2024

Bible Reading:  Psalm 127:1, 2 Corinthians 11:14

Memory Verse:  And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among people by which we must be saved [for God has provided the world no alternative for salvation].” Acts 4:12 (AMP)

There was a woman billionaire. One day somebody went to her and said, “You are rich financially and materially. You have to protect yourself.” She, being ignorant said, “Okay, take me to where I can protect myself.” She was taken to a place that looked like a church.

When she entered, the prophet who sat down there screamed and said, “What kind of woman is this? How can a single person have so much glory and so many stars? These are the kinds of glory and stars that people steal.” On hearing that, the woman should have ran away. But something made her stay.

Then the man called on his wife. She noticed that the man had three wives. That was enough to make her run away, but still, she stayed. So the oldest wife came out. A huge woman came out and screamed, “Daddy, daddy, where did you see this kind of woman? Can you not see the kind of glory on her head and stars?

We cannot allow this one to go. They ordered her to remove her clothes, took a sponge, and began to bath her there. By the time she left, everything she was doing went down, until she could hardly feed herself. A billionaire. The merchants of the earth had stolen her virtues.


1. A life full of money but empty of Christ is a life full of crisis.

2. Be wary of who you bring into the inner circle of your life. Make sure they are people who uphold Christ’s values.

3. It is a tragedy not to be spiritually aware of the weight of glory upon your life. Don’t wait for others to discover who you are. Pray destiny revealing prayers now that you are young. “O Lord, reveal who I am to me, in Jesus name.”

4. The day you enter into the wrong place, you may never come back whole again. The will power of the aforementioned woman was paralysed as soon as she stepped her feet in that coven disguised as a Church.

5. Be wary of various prayer houses, prayer mountains and fake prophets who pride themselves of seeing into the spirit. The question is, “Are the visions from God?” Beware of false prophets in this year 2024. Beware of covens disguised as Churches. Even the devil appears as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14).

6. By their fruits we shall know them. Don’t be spiritually daft. A Prophet with three wives! That’s unbiblical. Don’t allow your desperation to find solutions to your problems cause you to ignore danger signs.

7. Spiritual ignorance could be very costly.

8. Beware of glory merchants. Beware of Ichabod!

Quote: I reverse your steps from the track of destiny merchants, in Jesus name. 

Prophetic Decree: I gather back the remnants of your glory in heaven, earth and under the sea, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. I receive grace to abide in the house of the Lord forever, in Jesus name.

2. Holy Spirit, please correct my spiritual ignorance with the light of your Word, in Jesus name.

3. I refuse to go to the wrong places, in Jesus name.

4. Anywhere my glory has been sold out by the merchants of this earth, I recover it, in Jesus name.

5. I refuse to listen to the voice of strangers but only to the voice of Jesus my good shepherd, in Jesus name.  

 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 13-15

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