DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Mon May 29, 2017

Bible reading:  Genesis 21:1-2

Memory verse: And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken. Genesis 21:1(KJV)

Continued from yesterday…

To cut the story short, the 54 year old man, a top notch engineer who owns an estate in Abuja and other property home and abroad, got divinely connected to our dear 53 year old (virgin) sister (Imagine someone who loved God and kept herself pure for over 5 decades despite numerous pressures).

They got enviably married 4 months after. The shopping for the colorful wedding was done outside the shores of Nigeria. The sister was given the treat of her life during the brief courtship travelling to different countries just for the fun of it! All the fun the devil thought he had robbed her of for 28-30 yrs was given back to her. Awesome God!

Indeed, when a thief is caught, he’s made to pay back in seven fold all he’s stolen. Beloved, our God is fearful in praises. No one case is impossible with Him. And He knows how to show up when the world says it is finished.

What is that case in your life that has seemingly defied solution, & all you can hear is “Curse God & die, or try other gods…” I say to you, hold on, and you will laugh at last! Only God can truly do it. So, I encourage you to wait on Him, till your change come. And I tell you, if you have no alternative, it will come as a dream of the night; and you too will become as them that dream. Yes, it will come suddenly, and you will be the next to be celebrated.

Quote: When God shows up, He pays up!

Prophetic Word and Prayers

I’ll not give up on God. I’ll wait patiently for His promises. I can’t be disappointed in God. I’ll not turn back on Jesus. My miracle is on the way, in the name of Jesus. Any power or principality on my way to singing a new song and dancing a new dance shall die by fire, in Jesus name.

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