DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Saturday, 22nd May, 2021

Bible Reading: Psalm 103:7, Isaiah 54: 8-11 

Memory VerseFor as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah  55:9 (KJV)

You see, some challenges have been designed to be part of your story. You can’t pray them away. You can only pray for grace to pass through them successfully. Imagine Joseph praying that he shouldn’t be sold into slavery? Then, how could he have probably gotten into Egypt and prepare a generation against future famine? You must come to a point where you submit to the fact that God’s ways are mysterious. You can’t predict it. Sometimes you wonder how the numerous prophecies hanging over your life will come to pass due to your present situation.

Unknowing to you, you are right there in the centre of prophecy. Oh glory to God! Your God is the Lord of all flesh. Do you know what it means to serve a sovereign God? All the machinery of heaven and earth are under His control. His ways are past finding out. A brother shared a very uncommon testimony sometimes ago. He said and I quote: “At a season in my life, I was quite close to a man of God. We prayed together at least once every month. Believe me, the grace to see visions and to prophesy was so much upon this prophet, but the Lord did not show him anything about the mystery behind a particular problem I was passing through.

Now I understand what the Bible says in Deuteronomy 29:29 about the mysteries of God. They are revealed only at His own discretion. Had God revealed such mysteries to my Man of God, due to the love he has for me, he would have prayed me out of prophecy. Those hard and very unpleasant experiences made me who I am today, and imparted much wisdom unto me.” Friends, a hard situation may not mean an impossible situation. A situation is terrible does not mean God is not in it. Wait a minute. Earthly soldiers are trained amidst some of the harshest possible weather conditions before they can be enrolled or promoted as the case may be. What about heavenly soldiers? Some of us need to be careful about our prayer points before we pray ourselves out of the will of God.

Pain, suffering, betrayals, confusion, wilderness, rejections, trouble, the wickedness of the wicked, etc, are some of the equipments God uses to bring out the best in us. Hear Job, “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him.” Job 13:15a (NIV). See friend, all you need to do is to hand over the control of your life ABSOLUTELY to the Lord, and be double sure that all things will certainly work together for your good. Receive grace for discernment of times and seasons in the making of your glorious destiny, in Jesus name.

Quote: Only a mysterious God does mysterious things.

Prophetic Decree: Receive the light of God in your understanding, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. The God that does mysterious wonder, how wonderful is your name.

2. Holy Spirit please open my eyes of understanding to see deep mysteries about your manifold ways.

3. I command any evil spiritual scales covering my eyes of understanding to fall off, in Jesus name.

4. I break the siege surrounding my progress, by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

5. Today, I hand over the steering wheel of my life to God, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Psalm 95, 97-99

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