Monday, 9th August, 2021
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 11: 25-33
Memory Verse: The LORD’s people may suffer a lot, but he will always bring them safely through. Psalm 34:19 (CEV)
Many have received a lot of prophecies and assurances from the Lord that they will be very great either in career, as a professional, trader, academia or even in ministry. But, more often than not, we haven’t come to terms with the prophecies. Actually, those prophecies are really not to keep you excited but prepare you for series of tests and battles. Hello… Great prophecies comes with great tests and many times, it comes at a time one least expects. That is why there is an array of battles all round you. That is why God could tell you to forgive when you have the opportunity to revenge (infact, there are people ready to help you take revenge).
At such a time, God is testing your depth of meekness. Meekness is power under control. These are some of the simple but highly classified tests God brings our way in order to entrust us with our own destiny. God wants to bless you and fulfill the great prophecy He has shown you but, you must give Him a good reason to do that. I encourage you dear brethren, please understand the true meaning of discipleship. God will not present you to your generation until His image and character has been formed in you. This is the reason many are still wallowing in their wilderness; the journey of 400 years is taking them 430 years just like the children of Israel.
They are yet to pass certain tests such as the test of meekness, test of humility, test of death to ego, test of death to self, etc. I know your father in the Lord was wrong. But, should God tell you to go apologize, please don’t hesitate. That may be a test of brokenness. Just after you might have obeyed that seemingly weird instruction, some uncommon doors will begin to open for you and prophecies will begin to manifest. That’s how it works.
At times, God could tell you to leave your secular job and serve him full time in a season of your life. Such instructions may seem contradictory to what He earlier told you about your career. Years later, you will discover that the instruction was a divine short cut to your career prosperity when God must have connected you to your destiny helper in the same mission field He sent you. Brethren, God’s ways are mysterious. Keep passing destiny tests.
Quote: Destiny fulfillment requires complete obedience, grace and knowledge.
Prophetic Decree: Any authority of darkness over your destiny is broken, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Father of all grace, we thank You.
2. My Father, please teach me your ways that I may fulfill my destiny in a grand style, in Jesus name.
3. I come against the activities of destiny killers and glory silencers, in Jesus name.
4. I receive grace for prompt obedience and absolute surrender to the will of God, in Jesus name.
5. I receive grace to fulfill my destiny, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 7-9