Monday 1st April 2024
Bible Reading: Psalm 65:11
Memory Verse: Wherever your footsteps touch the earth, a rich harvest is gathered. Psalm 65:11 (CEV)
It is the beginning of another new quarter. May I ask how you’re faring in the fulfilment of your year 2024 goals and resolutions? There will always be an excuse for not doing what you’re meant to do if you permit such. Excuses attempt to conceal personal or professional insecurities, laziness, and/or lack of ability. They accomplish nothing but to distract, dilute, and deceive. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.”
It is an open secret that the economy in many countries is not pleasant at this time. Similarly, it is an open truth that many are still moving forward. Sometimes the testimonies of major breakthroughs I hear every week from countries with obvious economic hardship shocks me. Hear me: God is not a respecter of persons.
What He does for one He can do to all if only you will partner with Him. Receive the mark of exemption from the evil that has plagued your land in Jesus name. God is still in the business of prospering men. A raven can still single handedly feed an Elijah even in the season of drought. God can lead an Isaac to Rehoboth despite the strife of your enemies. The Lord is your Shepherd, not your company, not the government, not your business and therefore, you shall not want.
What about those professional certifications you planned to do this year? What about the landed property you desire to buy? Have you been consistent in your savings towards getting an apartment? What about your travelling plans? How consistent have you been towards preparing for your A-level examinations, 11+ examination or your common entrance?
Have you been putting in the needed amount of preparation for the desired good success? If you are looking for an excuse why you shouldn’t do what you’re meant to do, you will always find one. When time counts, life counts. Time is of essence. As the saying goes, “Make hay while the sun shines.”
Quote: When a Man partners with God, He becomes a living wonder.
Prophetic Decree: Receive grace that surmounts all problems in order to fulfill your destiny in a grand style, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. My destiny dreams shall come to pass by fire by force, in Jesus name.
2. Anointing that defies all manipulations, come upon my head, in Jesus name.
3. Wisdom to navigate through life. My life is available in Jesus name.
4. Powers that closes destiny doors, I rebuke you today by the power of God, in Jesus name.
5. I move from excuses to miracles and from promises to performance, in Jesus name.