DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Friday, 19th January 2024

Bible Reading:  Isaiah 38: 1-7

Memory Verse:  I have not spoken in secret, In a dark place of the earth; I did not say to the seed of Jacob, ‘Seek Me in vain’; I, the LORD, speak righteousness, I declare things that are right. Isaiah 45:19 (NKJV)

A brother wanted to travel out. This was in line with God’s plan for his life. God sent a benefactor who was willing to loan him a very huge amount of money while he pays back in instalment once he settles down in the foreign land. Oh, he was excited. The Way Maker has finally done it. Together with his wife, they embarked on serious prayers and fasting for God to perfect his benefactor.

One day, his benefactor called him and explained to him very sincerely that due to circumstances beyond his control, he won’t be able to fulfill his promise. If you are in such a brother’s shoes, what would you do? Forget about your God-given dream? Start the blame game? Or, will you harbour bitterness and resentment against God and/or your supposed benefactor?

Like Hezekiah in our Bible reading (vs 3), he ‘turned to the wall’ (the financial barricade or hindrance) and presented his case giving God strong reasons. He reminded God how faithful he had served Him in all purity. Friend, when the journey gets tough, will you be confident to remind God how faithful you had served him? If you must win your case in the court room of heaven when the accuser of the brethren is throwing allegations against you, you better be sure you have a right standing before God.

What disturbing prophecy have you received as touching your health, your work, your children or loved ones? Like King Hezekiah, your can stand on the altar of kingdom services and overturn it. Friend, we must not despise prophecy, however, in the long run it is more about your personal relationship with God.

If we as fallible men can go the extra length for our faithful workers, how much more an infallible God? What is that evidence you will bring before God when all chips are down? Take kingdom service very seriously this year 2024. Serve God with your gift, potentials and talents. Most importantly, be diligent to do those things God instructed you particularly to do for Him as a token of His covenant with you. That’s your joker especially in the day of trouble! Isaiah 41:21 (CEV), “I am the LORD, the King of Israel! Come argue your case with me. Present your evidence.”

Quote:  It is wisdom to have many arrows of defence in your spiritual quivers.

Prophetic Decree: May the Lord remember your kingdom sacrifices in the day of trouble, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. My Father, strengthen my focus on you,  in Jesus name.

2. I receive fresh fire for kingdom evangelism, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord, please help me to recognise you as my source and to lavish the love, gift, talent, and potential you have freely given me on you, in Jesus name.

4. I cancel any negative prophecy by the covenant force of my sacrificial kingdom service, in Jesus name.

5. My altar of service shall silence the altar of my father’s house speaking woe, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 22-24

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