DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Saturday, 4th June, 2022

Bible Reading: Isaiah 61: 1-3

Memory Verse: I will bless you with a future filled with hope–a future

of success, not of suffering.  Jeremiah 29:11 (CEV)

Can you imagine a young woman courting a guy who constantly abuse her and yet, she stubbornly stays in the relationship because “she does not want to lose him”. Don’t you think she has been hypnotized? Get ready for the worse of him after marriage till death do you part. Wisdom is profitable to direct. A broken engagement is better than a broken marriage. With God, you can have someone better. Don’t be in a hurry. Don’t allow the pressure of age, “my mates are getting married”,”my parents are bitterly complaining”, “I will soon reach  menopause”, etc, to force you to make fatal bad decisions.

On the other hand, you saw your father abuse your mother. He beats her, denies her of his attention, insults her, denies her of money, treats her as a sex slave, does not honour the marital bed, curses and even punishes her in your presence. These does not mean all men are the same. Please reject that conclusion. That illusion may cause you your marital joy. A bad experience happened to your mum does not mean it will happen to you. Reject that demon of marital instability whispering into your heart. Nahum 1:9 (NKJV) says “What do you conspire against the LORD? He will make an utter end of it. Affliction will not rise up a second time.” Dear Spinster, open your heart to love. God is love and there are many of His genuine sons still on earth. 1 John 4:18 (BLB) says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has punishment; and the one fearing has not been perfected in love”.

Perhaps an uncle, aunty, teacher, parent, or neighbour whom you trusted have abused you in time past, please give the Holy Spirit a chance to heal you. Bitterness, unforgiveness, or resentment against such persons will only put you in perpetual self-inflicted bondage. Don’t allow the devil hire you against yourself. Those who hold on to the past remain in the past. Only those who focus on the future partake of God’s manifold grace to rewrite their negative history. God specializes in converting such mess into a message.

Quote: The hurt might not be your fault but the healing is your responsibility.

Prophetic Decree: Voice of abuse speaking woe to your heart, be silenced, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. O Lord, heal my emotional wounds.

2. I receive the enablement of the Holy Spirit to reject my negative abusive history and embrace a glorious future God has for me, in Jesus name.

3. My Father, please help me to forgive myself, and the one who abused me.

4. I will not allow the devil to use me to ruin myself, in Jesus name.

5. Those waiting to hear my story of doom shall sit back to hear my testimony of glory. I am more than conquerors, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Proverbs 4-6

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