DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Friday, 1st April, 2022

Bible Reading: Exodus 20:16 (AMP)

Memory Verseam the LORD, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images. Isaiah 42:8 (NKJV)

If you don’t know God deeply you will assume that every testimony you hear in Church today is accepted by Him. What process gave birth to the testimony?

The man that got the job, did he falsify his age in order to get the job? The sister that got the job, did she sleep with anyone before she got the appointment letter?

The young man that graduated with first class honors, did he sort his lecturers before coming out with that grade? The sister that had a breakthrough and testified that her tithe has increased, what type of business does she do?

A brother got a multimillionaire contract but first, he filled a secret cult form. Now, such a brother will throw a big thanksgiving party for all his Church members. The process is what interests God, not just the outcome. Process is what heaven picks interest in. If that testimony is not pure, don’t bother testifying because God is not glory-hungry like you think. The Cross is worth visiting. Eternal Life is worth receiving. Immortality is worth living for.

Please do not get me wrong. Testimonies are great. There can’t be a greater way to impact faith, but God is rather more interested in the series of tests behind the testimony. If the process does not bring glory to God, it is not a testimony but a story telling, a deceit, and a show of self.

Alert: More attention should be taken by Church leaders to screen and probe the many testimonies shared in our various Churches.

Quote: There are three people you cannot deceive: God, Satan, and Yourself 

Prophetic Decree: May the Lord deliver His Church of the spirit of lies and deception, in Jesus name

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Jesus because the gates of hell shall  not prevail against the Church.

2. O Lord, pour down your discerning spirit afresh upon your Church, in Jesus mighty name.

3. I receive grace to wait upon the Lord for a pure and authentic testimony, in Jesus mighty name.

4. I refuse to be found in the Church but lost in the occult, in Jesus mighty name.

5. We bind and cast out the spirit of deception, lying, fraud, etc, from the Church, in Jesus mighty name.


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