DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Saturday, 27th January 2024

Bible Reading:  Matthew 13:35

Memory Verse:  Then the King will say to those on His right hand, “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Matthew 25:34 (NKJV)

How do you discover the perfect will of God for your life? What does this topic suggests? The perfect will of God for your life has been sealed from the foundations of the world. It is your own responsibility to partner with the Spirit of God to unravel it. For some, they discovered the will/plan of God for their lives in the days of their youth. For others, in their mid-year, for another when they were in old age and couldn’t run with it, and while some never discovered nor uncovered the will of God for their lives. Other ways to uncover the will of God for your life include:

3.Fasting: Fasting will surely do one thing for you. It will help you subdue your flesh. If your flesh is too noisy, you may not rightly perceive. Powerful instructions that could determine the next 50 years of your life may come only through a nudge in your spirit. What happens when your flesh is in an excited state and unable to trap such divine signals? There is a place of both short term fasting and long term fasting depending on the grace you have per time and how desperate you are to receiving from God. It is advised you live a fasted life.

4.Fellowship: This generation must learn how to keep loving on God. As you worship in your closet, daily observe your Quiet time. By doing this, you prepare the pathway for a divine visitation. His will for your life begins to be unfolded in layers.

5.Patience: Sometimes God has just opened up a discussion, some people are already jumping into conclusion. Be careful to manage revelations with wisdom. Dreams, rhema, and visions are good but you need the spirit of wisdom to understand and apply them most effectively. Revelations must be well managed. You saw yourself healing the sick does not mean you have been called into full time ministry. It takes time to master the peculiar way God speaks. Revelations could be slippery. May you not fall into avoidable errors, in Jesus name.

Quote:  It is better never to have been born than to live outside the will of God.

Prophetic Decree: May heaven not rest until God’s programme for your life manifest, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

  1. I receive grace to live a fasted life, in Jesus name.
  2. O Lord, unseal the scrolls of my life which has been sealed from the foundations of the world, in Jesus name.
  3. I receive grace to be addicted to the presence of the Lord, in Jesus name.
  4. Grace shall announce my destiny from my Jerusalem to the uttermost part of the world, in Jesus name.
  5. I receive grace to patiently understand the full counsel of God before jumping out of the waiting room, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 43-45

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