DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Saturday, 24th July, 2021

Bible Reading:  Proverbs 23: 13-14

Memory VerseHatred stirs up strife, But love covers and overwhelms all transgressions [forgiving and overlooking another’s faults]. Proverbs 10:12 (AMP)

A teenage girl ran away from home because her maternal uncle kept raping her. She said that if she complained to her mother who was well known in the Church, she would kill her. Our children are supposed to confide in us and not to only fear us.

A 13-year-old JSS 3 student in one of the schools confided in a counselor during a sex education session that she had done abortion twice! She was still living with her parents but they knew nothing about what was happening under their nose. When your children fear you too much, then you have lost them.

A child once lost money on his way to running an errand. He climbed the bridge to jump into the river before good Samaritans caught him. His fear was his parents. He was prepared to die than to face their assault. Parents, we must learn to correct in love. Be firm and fair.

It was reported that certain JAMBITES drank sniper, and committed suicide when they failed their Joint Admission Matriculation Board examination (JAMB). Their parents warned them never to come back if they didn’t pass their JAMB examination. They then decided to kill themselves rather than go back to their overly strict parents. Dear Parents, your child failed an examination does not make him a failure. Teach them to fail successfully. Failure is a part of success. Teach them to fail forward. Failure is just an event. Let your children know that come rain or sun, you will be there for them.

Daddy and mummy, it is rather bad when you pride yourself that your children are very afraid of you. Discipline your children, but don’t make them afraid of you to the extent that they can’t tell you things when they are perturbed. All things must be done decently, in order and in moderation.

Quote: Discipline your children; but only in love.

Prophetic Decree: Any satanic assault to truncate the destinies of your children shall not stand, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus: 

1. Thank you Father because you are the custodian of all-wisdom.

2. Today, I receive a fresh impartation of parental wisdom, in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit, please teach me how to discipline in love, in Jesus name.

4. Any wall of partition between my children and I, be broken, in Jesus name.

5. I bind and cast out the spirit of disobedience, truancy, and stubbornness in the life of my children, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Isaiah 35-36

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