Wednesday, 31st March, 2021
Bible Reading: Psalm 8: 1-9
Memory Verse: Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)
Sometimes you think the whole world is crumbling on your head due to the economic, academic, marital, or the myriad of problems surrounding your life. Calm down, beloved. You are one of the most fortunate person that ever lived. There lives this “strange couple”. The wife has only one hand, while the husband has no legs. What a couple! Amazingly, there is this unexplainable joy and bond of unity between them. The husband helps his wife to fix her hair, while the wife carries her husband everywhere in a special basket on her back.
Thankfully, a customized car has been specially designed to help the husband move around. They play, laugh, and have a nice time together despite their physical challenges. Never let what you cannot do stop you from doing what you can do. Never become a slave to your negative emotions. Never let your physical challenges become a destiny limitation. Sir, why are you so moody? Your incessant harsh words and scruffy face will probably escalate your present problems. Sister, stop nagging. The world will not crumble on you. Never! The house rent? Your lost sibling? Your lost job? Your unpaid school fees? The lost admission? The skyrocketing bills? The unpaid debt? The numerous spiritual problems? The wicked guardian? etc., are all not worthy to be an hindrance to your joy. They all will “come to pass” (they have come that they may pass on).
Hey friend, get a nice gospel music or a good Christian home video and relax in the presence of God. A cheerful heart is therapeutic. It is the last day of this quarter, celebrate God for seeing you thus far. An attitude of gratitude will increase your altitude.
Quote: Think deep. You still have a reason to praise God.
Prophetic Decree: Receive the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. The God that does what no man can do. How excellent is your name in all the earth.
2. I break the backbone of pain, delusion, bitterness, in Jesus name.
3. Mind demons taking me back into my woeful past, roast to ashes, in Jesus name.
4. Holy Spirit, please give me joy inexplicable, in Jesus name.
5. Spirit of praise, gratitude and thanksgiving, overshadow my life, in Jesus name.