DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Saturday, 9th January, 2021.

Bible Reading: Genesis 1:1, Exodus 35: 30-35

Memory VerseBut there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty gives them understandingJob 32:8 (AFV)

Innovation involves deliberate application of information; one’s imagination and initiative in deriving greater or different values from resources. Invention is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (a printed literary work, or a painting).

Having discovered your area of interest, and having exhaustively studied many that have gone ahead of you in your field, you should be able to bring something new out of your field by the combined forces of innovation and invention. Our God is in the business of creation. The Bible says there is a spirit in man, the inspiration of the Almighty brings Him understanding. You can carve a niche for yourself by adding a little touch of difference in your field. Then you become a brand. Money moves in the direction of value creation.

Be inspired:

1. A Nigerian man has gone viral for building a soak away pit for gas and electricity generation. Pictures of his creation have received over 13,000 likes with thousands of engagements. The man’s skill may just be one of the things the country need for sustainable development. He has shown that there are citizens in this country with amazing skills who can use indigenous solutions to drive the developments that the nation needs.

2. Osei Nyame uses his skill to transform old, rickety cars into luxurious vehicles. This is really amazing. This means Africa has what it needs to become a giant in the automobile industry.

3. A Nigerian lady opened an airplane restaurant that gives customers the feeling of dining on air.

4. “Ikorodu boys” is a group of young Nigerian teenagers who reproduce world rated action packed films. This innovation has brought them to the world stage. Netflix recently gave them some shooting equipment.

5. Hodonu Nathaniel is the name of the guy who converted coconut shells into beautiful handcrafts.

In conclusion, as you pray, speak in tongues, fast, and raise sacrificial altars in Year 2021, don’t forget to engage your mind under the Spirit of God for divine ideas that brings down innovation.

QuoteLearning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow – William Pollard

Prophetic Decree: Come out from all awkward ideologies, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Holy Spirit, my senior partner, open my eyes to areas of my life I must handle differently in Year 2021

2. Holy Spirit, baptize me with a mental transformation in Year 2021.

3. O God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I am tired of financial embarrassment, teach me what to do, in Jesus name.

4. Opportunity wasters, be wasted, in Jesus name.

5. My Father, deal with everything in my life that does not bring glory to your name, in Jesus name.


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