DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Tuesday, 12th July, 2022

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 28:1-2, 12-13

Memory Verse:  The LORD will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless every work of your hand; and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow. Deuteronomy 28:12 (NASB)

An entrepreneur is an individual who takes the risk to start his own business based on an idea he has, or a product/service he has created while assuming most of the risks with the hope of making a profit from the business. 23-year-old Jimoh Yakubu who hails from Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria says, “Instead of going-in to Yahoo, I am glad that I went into the pap making business when I was nineteen. Pap is a corn meal prepared in the African culture. Even though I may not be rich now, I have a successful business of my own.

But I know with God, time, patience and right planning I will definitely get to the top.”  He produces different kinds of pap – yellow, white, brown – with spices on order. He does deliver to other states of the federation, too. His products are available in 250g – 3kg size. Are you seeing ingenuity, innovation and entrepreneural skills being displayed? That is a man who has made up his mind to convert with he knows how to do into a money making venture even though it is uncommon. It may not be popular but it is sure generating some income.

What about you? I hope you are not like those graduates who only roam the streets in search for a white collar job? Do something with your hands even as you submit your CV to different companies. Jimoh started his business at age 19 while others were looking for get-rich-quick money that does not last. The economy may not be viable but God can still make a way if you will allow Him. Reject that rigid mindset which says, “This is what I want to do and nothing else.” There are seasons in a man’s life where you have to be flexible. Start with what you have even as you trust God, the lifter of men to keep taking you from one level of glory to another.

Quote:  What you are gifted for is superior to what you are trained for – Rev. Mrs Funke Felix-Adejumo.

Prophetic Decree: Receive money making ideas, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father because you have promised to bless the works of my hands.

2. I reject the spirit of laziness, in Jesus name.

3. I reject mental laziness, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, help me to humble myself. Help my heart to have a big dream but able to start small, in Jesus name.

5. I decree: I shall not be financially stranded, in Jesus name.


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