DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Tuesday, 7th December, 2021

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 11: 24-33

Memory VerseAnd they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelation 12:11 (KJV)

The Voice of the Martyrs’ reports: The visitors secretly and quietly arrived at the home of the elderly Chinese woman. They were escorted behind a curtain and then crawled over one hundred yards through a long, dark tunnel that opened up into two small cave-like rooms. In one of the rooms, a nineteen-year-old Christian lady named Kati Li operated a small, primitive press. For months at a time, Kati would work in this cave, printing Christian books and other Christian materials which was against Chinese laws. If discovered, she would no longer be able to show her true identity in public. But as the secret press produced more books and tracts, the Public Security Bureau (PSB) became suspicious and began to question the villagers.

Those who knew of the press were unwilling to cooperate. Finally, angered by the lack of cooperation, the PSB began to use dynamite and blow up each house in the village until they finally arrived at the old woman’s home. The cave was discovered and the printing press confiscated. The workers had escaped beforehand, however, unharmed. To this day, Kati Li and the other workers remain in hiding. If found, they would be immediately imprisoned and possibly executed. They will never be able to see their friends and family members again. But Kati’s work and testimony live on through the books and tracts she produced. To this day, they are read by thousands of Chinese Christians. Friends, what risk are you willing to take for the advancement of the kingdom of God? Stop being a secret disciple in your place of work, in your school, and in your profession. Vow to move the kingdom of God forward whichever way you can.

QuoteIt may be interrupted. It may be diverted. It may even be temporarily suspended. But God’s kingdom is constantly advancing forward. It can never be stopped – VOM

Prophetic Decree: The Church of God shall continue to march forward by fire and by force, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thanks you Jesus for the privilege to lift up the gospel, in Jesus name.

2. Arise O Lord, fight against your own enemies, in the name of Jesus.

3. I receive wisdom needed to be a kingdom risk taker, in Jesus name.

4. I receive wisdom the enemy cannot unravel, in Jesus name.

5. O Lord, move your Church forward in unity, togetherness and love, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:   Acts 20:1-3; Romans 1-3

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