DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post November
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Tue., Nov. 14, 2017

Memory Verse: Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed…Psalm 2:1-2

The caption of our today’s devotional seems paradoxical. By this I mean it seems contradictory. Beloved, it is important for you to know that a change of glory from one level to another comes with a great price. A brother had a revelation; an angel of the Lord appeared to him. In this revelation, the angel had a protruded belly just like a pregnant woman. From his walk with the Lord, He knew the angel had come with an herald call to prepare his heart for an imminent next level. To his utmost amazement, in less than seven days, he was physically attacked on his way back from work and some of his money and property were collected. As a mature Christian, he could only laugh at the devil and told him to his face to go rot in hell. This is what is called demonic aggression at the corridor of glory manifestation. Daniel’s prayers had been answered since the first day of his prayers, but the territorial principality of that land called Prince of Persia delayed his angel of blessings and answers to his prayers. I come with the voice of thunder by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, wherever your angel of blessing might have been ambushed in the heavens, may the fire of the Holy Ghost set him free.

Christians seek not repose says the hymn writer. Persistence on the altar of prayers, worship, and sacrificial service unto God’s work and His anointed ministers are weapons needed to reinforce spiritual support for your angel of blessing and secure quick manifestation of God’s plan for your life.

Quote: There are no civilian in the army of the Lord. Fight for what is yours.

Prophetic Decree: Your destiny glory shall not be aborted, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus:

  1. Principalities in the heavenlies, delaying the manifestation of God’s plan for my life, scatter by thunder, in Jesus name.
  2. Every cloud of darkness over my destiny, scatter by fire, in Jesus name.
  3. Territorial powers warring against my angel of blessing, roast to ashes, in Jesus name.
  4. Cauldrons of darkness in my spirirtual heavens, break to pieces, in Jesus name.
  5. Altars of my father’s house connecting with any altar in the second heaven against my glory, SCATTER BY FIRE, IN Jesus name.

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