DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Friday, 29 March 2024

Bible Reading: Mark 15: 16-39

Memory VerseAnd at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Mark 15:34 (NIV)

Good Friday reveals the supreme goodness and extraordinary love of God and God’s offer of salvation to all people through forgiveness of their sins. Few points:

1. Have you ever wondered why it is called Good Friday and not Black Friday though Jesus was humiliated and crucified? It’s simple. The prerequisite of life is death. Similarly, until you also die to your die-hard ambitions, you may never see the glory of God in a unique version which many generations before you have never experienced.

2. The veil of the temple was torn! It is during some of the darkest hours of our lives that the veil and scales covering our eyes fall off. Until Saul of Tarsus went blind, he was not qualified to see the light of the Gospel of Christ.

3. There was three hours of darkness on earth. Until the unusual happens, many will not believe in your message. Contend for the unusual (the supernatural) in your life, ministry and destiny.

4. If by one man called Adam sin came into the World, also by another man called Jesus the power of sin was broken. Similarly, the many battles some people are facing now that they are in Christ is inevitable in order to rewrite a new family history founded on the covenant in the Word of God. Covenants are rewritten by blood.

5. Don’t despise your pain. There are legitimate pain you must pass through before the glory of God can be revealed in your life. It is not all pains that are sponsored by the devil. Some are sponsored by God to refine us, to proof us, to test the innermost parts of our hearts. It is the scars from such pain that will preserve you on your seat of glory. Even after resurrection, the scars were seen on the sides of Jesus. Paul also said, “…I bear on my body the marks of  Jesus.” (Gal. 6:17).

6. There is a Cross you must carry. There is a baptism you must drink from. The Cross remains and will forever remain the symbol of shame and pain. It will forever be an Old-rugged Cross. 21st century technology and inventions cannot modernise the Old-rugged Cross.  

7. You will need Cross bearers such as Simon of Cyrene on your way to Golgotha. Never walk alone. Value relationship. Don’t be discouraged by your supposed group of good friends like many of Jesus’ disciples who will abandon you on your way to Golgotha. An unfamiliar Simon of Cyrene is always standing bye. God is a present help in times of trouble.

8. Those who refuse to yield to the dealings of the Almighty will never experience his glory. God will never force any man to carry his Cross daily. Behold, the power of your choice! No Cross, No Glory!!

Quote: Jesus died for you in public don’t live for him only in private.

Prophetic Decree: The power of death, hell and sin is broken forever in your life, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. Thank you Jesus for paying the price of salvation for the entire world.

2. O Lord, help me not to allow your Blood shed on the Cross of Calvary to be a waste over me and my family, in Jesus name.

3. By the power in the Blood of Jesus, I receive my deliverance from the shackles of hell and death around my life and family, in Jesus name.

4. After the order of Jesus, I receive grace to carry my cross daily to Calvary until the glory of God burst out of my life, in Jesus name.

5. O God, remember the Blood shed by your only son, Jesus and deliver all my family members from the shackles of sin and hell, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Joshua 22-24

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