DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Friday, 17th September, 2021

Bible Reading: Ruth 1: 1-16

Memory Verse: But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Ruth 1:16 (NLT)

Today, we shall learn a few lessons from the life of Biblical Ruth:

  1. Ruth was a woman from Moab (a cursed people borne out of the incest committed between Lot and one of his daughters) who married into a Jewish family. When her husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law all died in Moab, she moved in with her mother-in-law (Naomi) back to Judah, where the two women started life afresh. Whilst there, Ruth caught the eye of Boaz, who was a close relative of Naomi’s husband. Ruth and Boaz got married, gave birth to Jesse and Jesse gave birth to David, from where Jesus Christ came from. Life is a series of tests. You can start cursed and finish blessed.
  2. She tasted the God of Israel and embraced Him totally and radically in loyal and absolute commitment. She is a typical example of what loyalty and stewardship means.
  3. Her life teaches that you are the architect of what you eventually become in God. The way you embrace God will determine how far God can take you.
  4. As touching her marriage to Boaz, her life teaches that sisters who have a spiritual knowledge of the person God has prepared for them can deploy the wisdom of God to get the attention of such men in their direction without losing their sense of worth, or self-esteem. (Ruth 3: 1-18).
  5. Her life teaches mentorship. The direction you follow in life determines your ultimate destination. Nothing special was ever heard of Orpah, Ruth’s sister-in-law who left Naomi after the death of their husbands. You need revelation to know who you are to follow in life and destiny. Usually, there is someone God has destined to take you into the inheritance (blessings) He has prepared for you.
  6. No matter how dirty your life could have been, no matter your many sins, and no matter the myriad of curses and evil covenants in your parentage, if you will pursue after God radically, in total and absolutely commitment in all wisdom, you will surely end up at a glorious destination.
    Call to Salvation: Father, I repent of all my sins today, and I accept Jesus into my life as my Lord and saviour.
    Quote: We serve a God that rewrites negative family history. Be radically committed to Him.
    Prophetic Decree: The great Destiny changer shall change your destiny for good today, in Jesus name.
    Prayer Focus
  7. The God that flavors destiny, I thank You.
  8. My soul shall long and thirst after God in absolute commitment, in Jesus name.
  9. I receive grace to radically pursue after God until He makes me a delight on earth, in Jesus name.
  10. Like Ruth, I receive grace to discern the person bearing the victuals of my destiny, in Jesus name.
  11. I cut off from my evil root, and I graft my life into Christ Jesus. No family limitations, curses or evil covenants shall prosper in my life henceforth, in Jesus name.

    BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Daniel 10-12

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