DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Monday, 25th April, 2022

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1: 13-16, 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-8

Memory VerseRun from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts. 2 Timothy 2:22 (NLT)

1. Erection is a state of arousal of sexual desires in a man in preparation for sexual exploit.

2. Having an erection is natural but obeying the dictates of your erection is a choice.  

3. Any erection not properly controlled is capable of leading one to early grave.

4. For every erection, there’s a responsibility. Wise men have control over their erection, but foolish men obey their erections always.

5. Many became useless fathers because they didn’t control their erections.

6. Some are in prison because they followed the dictates of their stupid erection.

7. Others have lost great opportunities in life because their erection pushed them.

8. The stupidity of erection is that most times it isn’t selective. Be self controlled.

9. Erection has not left the clergy out of the drama as many have been found messing up with those they ought to be shepherd over. What a stupid erection!

10. A strong man is not measured by the level of his physical muscle, or by the number of nations he has conquered, but by his ability to control his erection.

11. Unchecked erection has led great kings to be on the bed of their slaves and maids.

12. No man in history could be said to be more powerful than Samson but his erection made him the weakest in history, his erection made him fall at the lap of a woman.

13. David killed Goliath and conquered many great nations but he couldn’t conquer his erection, he became weak at the sight of Bathsheba, the wife of his servant.

14. Reuben ruined his future and generation after him because of his uncontrollable erection.

15. Don’t let your erection destroy your destiny.

16. Your erection is a sign that you are a real man but following it to everywhere it leads you is a sign of weakness.

17. If you follow all the dictates of your erections and urge for sleep, you will die in poverty.

18. The only time your erection cannot mislead you is within the confines of your marriage.

19. Don’t always follow your erection, but always follow your vision.

20. That early morning erection is not always for sex, it only reminds you that you are a man and you need to get up from bed and work to be a real man.

Quote:  Your erection must not always dictate your direction.

Prophetic Decree: Foundational spirit of sexual immorality, die, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Holy Spirit because you have promised to preserve your own heritage, in Jesus name.

2. I laminate my mind with the Blood of Jesus.

3. Blood of Jesus purge my heart, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, please deliver me from dog spirit in the name of Jesus.

5. I bind and I cast out every spirit of sexual immorality, in Jesus name.

6. Arrow of sexual looseness fired at me, backfire, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Chronicles 3-5

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