DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Saturday, 5th October, 2024

Bible Reading: Matthew 5: 13-16

Memory VerseLet your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)

The second ingredient to becoming a light to your world and a salt on the earth is the wisdom of God. Divine wisdom goes beyond mere knowledge or intelligence. A dear Man of God defines Divine wisdom as the ability to enter into the heart of the Spirit of God, and isolate (trap) His counsel (Job 29:3). Divine wisdom is knowing what to do as revealed, and being empowered to do what is revealed by the power of the Holy Ghost (Phil. 2:13). You cannot separate the wisdom of God from great and uncommon works (Daniel 11:32). If you must dazzle your world, you cannot afford to think small. You must be well equipped physically, professionally, and spiritually. You must know what to do in other to fulfil God’s plan for your life.

The wisdom of God upon Daniel and his three friends brought an entire nation to their knees and submission to the God of Israel even in a strange land. They were found to be ten times better than their contemporaries. Indeed, the earnest expectation of all creatures is the manifestation of the sons of God. Their comportment, administrative prowess, eloquence and spiritual mindedness pointed to a God who does wonders hence, they subdued Babylon. The wisdom of God upon Solomon brought the high and mighty down to Israel. The building of his palace and the temple of God also showcased the wisdom of the Almighty. Friends, there are people who may not accept the gospel of salvation until they see the great and mighty works done by God through us sponsored by wisdom.

The wisdom of God upon men like R.G. Letourneau, a sixth grade dropout, gave him the insight to build earth moving machines to the amazement of university professors. A sixth grade dropout writing mathematical equation! Even the professors had to submit to his God. Mr. R.G. Letourneau went ahead to manufacture nearly 70% of the earth moving machines used during the second world war. In a country where there is abject poverty, some men, who have become the embodiment of God’s wisdom are building institutions entirely powered by solar, and running multibillion dollar enterprise debt free, and without any loan from any financial institution. This is after the order of King Uzziah who was marvelously helped by God. Courtesy: Divine Wisdom. 

How Do You Tap Into The Wisdom Of God For Great Exploits?

1. Thirst and hunger for divine wisdom (Mat. 5:6).

2. Know God for yourself (Daniel 11:32). 

3. Pray for the baptism of wisdom for great kingdom exploits. 

4. Like R.G Letourneau, walk with God by covenant. 

5. Be ready to obey seemingly foolish instructions. Exploits happen when you obey the foolishness in God’s wisdom (Daniel 11:32). 

QuoteDivine wisdom could be foolish, but it generates enviable results.  

Prophetic Decree: Receive divine wisdom for kingdom exploits, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. Today, I receive fresh empowerment of the Spirit of wisdom for kingdom exploits in my generation.

2. Divine exploits that will bring the high and mighty into the knowledge of Christ shall be my portion in Jesus name. 

3. Unlike Solomon, may I not corrupt the wisdom of God upon my life for self-profit, in Jesus name. 

4. I receive grace to obey divine instructions even when I don’t understand, in Jesus name. 

5. O Lord, work your wisdom in me both to will and to do of your good pleasure transgenerationally in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Matthew 4, Luke 4-5

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