DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Saturday, 25th September, 2021

Bible Reading: Romans 3:23, 1 Thessalonians 5: 22, Songs of Solomon 2:15

Memory Verse: Abstain from every form of evil [withdraw and keep away from it]. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (AMP)

Sin simply means Success In Nothing. Sin refers to any transgression committed by man before God. Any appearance of evil is referred to as sin. Flee from such. There are no white lies or diplomatic lies. All lies are sinful. My burden this day is to show you the disastrous consequences of the sins we bring upon ourselves. Brethren, little things matters. The often neglected things are those things the devil capitalizes on and builds a monument around, thereby afflicting the soul of the trespasser on a legal ground. Be warned.

  1. If 7:00am is the resumption time but you went to work late on this particular day. Any alteration or lie on the time book is a legitimate ground for the devil to send you packing out of that establishment. Christians, we have to be careful. Carelessness, ignorance or negligence could become a tool in the hands of the devil to make the earth hell for God’s children. The powers of your father’s house are only as powerful as the space you give them. The devil does nothing until he is given a space to work by our own carelessness, ignorance or negligence.
  2. If in the compound where you live, it has been unanimously agreed that all tenants are to pay #2,000 ($4) each as Electricity bill every month. May I inform you that your refusal to honour that agreement could bring the activities of the devil into your life especially if you are a covenant child on special assignment. Many pack from where they live without settling legitimate bills they incurred before leaving. May your light not turn to darkness. Brethren, the devil is very legalistic in his approach. Go ahead and honour that agreement by all means. Such little foxes could spoil the entire vineyard of your divine destiny.
  3. “What is it after all? Everybody does it. We didn’t perform actual sex. We only fondled, necked, and kissed each other”. Provided you are not legally married, you have just opened a door for the devil to afflict and oppress you. “Sexual immorality is sweet poison. Sweet like sugar, deadly like viper. Flee, I say flee (Prov 9:18-19)” – Sis Oreoluwa Ajayi.
  4. Learn to return the extra balance of the money you were given when you are sent on an errand either by your parents, a friend, your spouse, or in your place of work. Don’t say it doesn’t matter. The accuser of brethren is always looking for your loopholes.
    Brethren, shall we all meditate on those little things the devil uses to cage our glorious destinies. Little as they seem, they can cause great havoc. You will not rise to suddenly fall because you have been leaning on the wrong ladder, in Jesus name. Think on these things.
    Quote: Little sins sinks. Little sins stinks. Little sins sucks. Flee, I say flee.
    Prophetic Decree: May Jehovah Mekoddishkem purge your heart today, in Jesus name.
    Prayer Focus
  5. O Lord full of mercies, please forgive me of all my trespasses, in Jesus name.
  6. I break the hold of the devil over my life, in Jesus name.
  7. I redeem every lost ground I have lost to the devil by the power in the Blood of Jesus.
  8. O Lord, give me grace to stand for righteousness at all times and in all places, in Jesus name.
  9. My Father, please establish your covenant of prosperity for my life, in Jesus name.

    BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 7-10

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