DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Tuesday, 12th March 2024

Bible Reading: 1Thessalonians 4: 3-5
Memory Verse:  God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 (NLT)

…Continued from yesterday. As co-labourers with Jesus, there are definite responsibilities required of us in order to stay sexually pure in thoughts and actions. These include:
4.Burn the bridge: Identify what triggers the activities of the spirit of immorality in your life. Could it be loneliness, erotic videos, erotic sounds, lewd music, past sexual engagement such as rape, past sexual abuse by a relative, sibling or parent, etc. You need to sincerely identify your trigger, and deal with it decisively by withdrawal, and/or through counselling.

5.Rehabilitation centre/ Support group: Dealing with sexual problems as a community really helps. The feeling of “I am not alone in this” offers emotional healing. It is better to be in a rehabilitation centre founded genuinely on the standard of the scriptures and the power of the Holy Ghost. Psychology has its place, however it also has its limitations. Many times, there is a spirit involvement in combating sexual addiction. A Pastor and Doctor named Seyi Obembe runs an addiction recovery clinic.

6.Self Discipline: Proverbs 25:28 NLT, “A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls”. You have invested mental development but you haven’t invested much in your defence system. You remember the Great Wall of China? With a little compromise from her gatekeepers, their enemies prevailed over them. Similarly, if you don’t intentionally and continuously guard against the free flow of materials and contents that enter into your heart, all your spiritual efforts will be futile. Samson had the empowerment of the Spirit of God but failed to exert restrictions over his emotions. As good as the Internet and the social media is, be careful of who you follow and what you permit in your space. Please choose carefully.

  1. Watch your friends: You are moving with friends that have no regard for God, always talk about the opposite sex and their sexual escapades, attend night clubs, etc. Soon, you may fall a victim of sexual immorality. Our value systems are many times formed by the relationship we keep. Who are your friends? Build a system that manages you.

Quote: With the help of God and deep personal discipline, you can live sexually pure

Prophetic Decree: Every satanic structure that contend with your purity is pulled down, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

  1. I burn every bridge connecting me to my old thought cycle, in Jesus name.
  2. Appetite for lewd music, pornographic contents, erotic musical videos, etc, in my life, die today, in Jesus name.
  3. Holy Spirit, please fortify the wall of my heart, in Jesus name.
  4. Like unto Daniel, I propose in my heart that I shall not sin against God, in Jesus name.
  5. O Lord, please deliver me from ungodly friends that lay siege for my soul in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 3-4

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