Monday, 6th September, 2021
Bible Reading: Romans 6:6, 8:36; 2 Corinthians 4:11
Memory Verse: I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galatians 2:20 (NIV)
You are aware that Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary. There He was crucified. He exchanged a life in the flesh for another life in the Spirit when he died. Living the crucified life simply means circumcision of our heart. It means to exchange a stony heart for a circumcised heart. When a man is crucified, he dies only to live again putting on another body just like Jesus did. The same way a seed that is planted in the ground must first die before it can put on a new body and then sprout again bringing forth much fruit; to be crucified is to die to one’s personal ambition, one’s way of life, one’s philosophy, etc, only to live again, this time, embracing the full counsel of God for one’s life in season and out of season; when it is convenient and when it is not convenient.
It is a life of absolute surrender to the will and counsel of God for one’s life. Like a sheep that is brought before the slaughter, you have no will of your own save for the will of your Master when you choose to live a crucified life. When Isaac was tied down by his father, Abraham, it was a similitude of his crucifixion. He laid down his life there on the altar of crucifixion. There he died to self, flesh, his will, and everything about the human nature. He rose up a new being having exchanged a ram for his own life (Gen. 22: 3-13). In this Kingdom of God, we die that we may live. We give to have more. We lose that we may gain much more. We sow in order to reap more abundantly. That’s the crucified life.
A crucified life is an exchange of life. God’s life for our own life. God’s will in exchange for your own will. God’s decision in exchange for your own decision. Just like a dead man on the Cross won’t complain, a man that has chosen to live a crucified life does not complain, grumble or murmur at the decisions or instructions of His Master. He always says Yes to the will of God. He always obeys. If the commandments of the Lord are too grievous for you, or you still struggle to do His will; perhaps you find it hard to obey God even if you don’t fully understand the instructions, then you are yet to be absolutely crucified, yet to be completely yielded, and yet to be totally surrendered. You are like that computer that is hibernating but is yet to be shut down. Today, I encourage you to shut down your will, taste, love, cravings, desires, ambitions, prospects, and wisdom for His. That’s a crucified life!
Quote: If we understand that everything happening to us is to make us more Christlike, it will solve a great deal of anxiety in our lives – A.W. Tozer.
Prophetic Decree: Receive your deliverance from the stronghold of your flesh, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
- Thank You Jesus for the finished work on the Cross of Calvary.
- O Lord, please break me and mould me to your glory, in Jesus name.
- My flesh, come under the authority of Christ, in Jesus name.
- Holy Spirit, envelope me with the will of the Father, in Jesus name.
- I receive grace to daily come to the Cross of Calvary, and lay down all at his feet, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 32-34