DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Saturday, 24th September, 2022

Bible Reading: Habakkuk 2: 1-3

Memory Verse: And that you should not lose heart, but that you would be imitators of those who by faith and patience have become heirs of The Promise. Hebrew 6:12 (ABPE)

Church Gist once posted on their platform: When Bishop Tudor Bismark married his beloved pretty wife, Pastor Chichi, he was broke and only had on him, five Zimbabwean Dollars, a Vision, a Message God had put in his spirit and a confirmation of peace in his spirit that Chichi was his wife. He said on his wedding day, he watched as Chichi sign at the registry and he was asking himself in fear, ”What have you done, Tudor?” ”How will you even take care of her needs?” And on the other hand, despite all the discouragements Pastor Chichi faced from her family and friends, begging her not to marry this broke and uneducated Pastor from a poor family, she still went against all odds, and married the love of her life, Tudor. And for the first 17 years of their marriage and ministry, Pastor Chichi was the one with a job and a salary that financially supported her husband, children and the ministry without complaining.

She just believed in her husband, his vision and the message God had given him. And in those years, Bishop Tudor Bismark gave himself to 8 hours of daily immense prayer and more hours to rigorous study and self-education, as he was a Grade 7 dropout with no formal education, and one of the things he read every day, amongst many different subjects, was the English Dictionary, determined to break the usual normal 350 English word limit that most English speakers are confined and limited to.

For over 12 years, he, his wife and children walked a considerable distance to Church as none of their driving Church members at that time were willing to help them with a lift to their Church services, but he clung on to his God, and he was not about to compromise in any way, despite all the pain and several unanswered questions he had. He said, “It didn’t seem like life was working. Nothing seemed to work for me financially no matter what and how much I tried.  I was walking everywhere for many years while in Ministry to where I had to run errands, pray for the sick, attend to Church members and to speaking and preaching engagements, until much later in life.”

Bishop has often testified, ”It was when I turned 40 years when everything suddenly exploded and my life drastically changed.” Today, we all know and appreciate Bishop Tudor Bismark, as one of the most profound thinkers of our time, who incontrovertibly walks in and with God, a man of clear purity and clear integrity, and of no exaggerations of his many significant roles and accomplishments in the globe, a well sought after preacher and most sought after speaker from the continent of Africa, a leadership expert at every level, addressing Heads of States at the Annual African Union Breakfast, and speaking at Leadership Conferences in the USA, Asia and Europe, and treasures Ministerial.

Quote: Sacrifice is bearable where true love abound.

Prophetic Decree: Nothing shall sift you from the best of God for your life, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. I receive the virtue of patience in my walk with the Lord, in Jesus name.

2. Holy Spirit, please help me not to lose the best of God for my life as a result of spiritual short-sightedness, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord, give me the grace for delayed gratification, in Jesus name.

4. I receive grace for my children. They shall marry only the perfect will of God for their lives, in Jesus name.

5. I receive grace to endure and overcome all trials in my marriage, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Esther 6-10

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