Sunday, 2nd February, 2025
Bible Reading: John 15:13, Psalm 8:5
Memory Verse: Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (ESV)
Loyalty is the virtue of being committed to an idea, a person, or a cause regardless of the difficulty involved in your commitment. Loyalty is not directed by emotions but convictions. Loyalty is obedience taken a bit further. Are you loyal to God? Are you loyal to spreading the Gospel of Christ? Are you loyal to your consecration requirements? Are you loyal to your organisation? Are you loyal to your wedding vows? Are you loyal to the spiritual authority God has placed over you? Are you loyal to the demands of your purpose? Are you loyal to your parents, teachers, and guardian?
Many don’t want to be committed or loyal to anything. They do not want to be committed, accountable, or loyal to a particular Church. Just like a rolling stone that gathers no moss, they keep hopping from Church to Church, and one prayer mountain to another. Sometimes, the miracle you are waiting for is hidden in your loyalty to a particular grace upon a ministry over a certain period of time. Just give it time. You will not always be able to determine how God will bless you. Loyalty is a rare virtue. You don’t choose your Church; your Church chooses you. Like destiny, you discover the church God has appointed for you, and serve there faithfully.
Revelation 12:11 is often quoted as an anchor text before many testimony sessions, but the second part of the testimony speaks greater volume. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Do you love this Gospel delivered unto our fathers till the point of death? Do you? The Apostles and Saints of Old fought with their blood that we may have it. With a little financial pressure, your presence is becoming increasingly scarce in Church. Many cannot endure with God, talk less with their neighbours.
Now, prayer seems burdensome, fasting seems like a luggage, soul winning seems like a herculean task. What will you do outside of yourself to the glory of God and for the benefit of mankind. Our faith in God will surely place a demand of inconvenience upon us atimes. The grace of God does not exclude the virtue of tolerance and perseverance. Rather, it makes tolerance and perseverance for the work of the kingdom a delight. In Year 2025, make up your mind to be loyal to God, His servants, and the Gospel. Share the Gospel with your friend on your way to work, school, cinema, to the gym, etc. You can’t be loyal to the Gospel and be quiet seeing others heading to hell.
Quote: When God calls you into His Kingdom, your way of life will reflect royalty; when you serve Him with loyalty – Gift Gugu Mona.
Prophetic Decree: Receive the spiritual stamina and mental toughness to be loyal to Christ and the Gospel at all times and in all places, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Thank you Father for your loyalty and commitment to a mortal man like me (Psalm 8:5).
2. Every seed of disloyalty and rebellion planted in my heart, be scourged by fire, in Jesus name.
3. After the order of the Apostles and Saints of Old, while I live, I shall die at my post for Jesus.
4. I receive grace to be loyal to God even in distress, in Jesus name.
5. I receive grace to be loyal to the Gospel of the Kingdom at all times and in all places, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 10-12