Monday, 3rd February, 2025
Bible Reading: Romans 13:1, Proverbs 18:24
Memory Verse: A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. Proverbs 17:17 (NLT)
Loyalty is a person’s devotion or attachment to a cause, person, group, or ideal. It can also be defined as the act of binding oneself to a course of action or a solemn commitment to a purpose. Loyalty is often characterized by a steadfast faithfulness that resists temptation to betray, desert, or renounce. Loyalty can be important in relationships because it allows people to be themselves and share their experiences without fear of abandonment. This can help build support, which can be beneficial for mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Some synonyms of loyalty include:
allegiance, commitment, dedication, devotion, fidelity, faithfulness, fealty, and steadfastness. Even in business, programs are designed to encourage loyal customers by offering rewards, discounts, and other incentives.
Oreofe Williams shared an experience: He said, “Sometimes ago, I was invited to preach at a church. After the service, one of the youth leaders handed me his newly published book. I knew immediately he has not been properly taught. When a guest is invited by your pastor/leader, you don’t push your personal gift on the guest without the knowledge of your superior. Any authored book or album that you wish to share with the guest should actually go through your superior. The same thing happens in business and other areas. You don’t go behind your leader at work, or in business to try to connect with people they invited, just because you want to familiarize yourself without their permission. That’s a loyalty problem. Let all things be done in decency. Don’t be too desperate.
Loyal friends keep the secret of their friends’ secret. Loyal friends stand up for one another. Loyalty in friendship implies you make sacrifices for one another. Sacrifices are not for the feeble minded. It requires a measure of inconvenience. Will you be there at the wee hours of the night for a friend? After the order of Jesus, there should be at least 12 people in your life that should be able to bear your burden. Sometimes ago, a king had just been dethroned unjustly and was about to be exiled. In the midst of the agony, mental and emotional crisis, he reached out to a friend. Pronto, his friend booked a private jet for him and his family, rented a new apartment, and thereafter bought a new house for him. That is loyalty in friendship. Loyal friends comfort you in times of trouble. They argue fairly and they don’t stampede, backbite, or gossip other friends. Your attitude in every situation allow your friends to confirm their loyalty.
Quote: The proof of loyalty is the unwillingness to betray – Mike Murdock
Prophetic Decree: May the good Lord grant you loyal associates and friends, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Thank you Jesus for modelling loyalty to mankind.
2. I remove every plaque of disloyalty beclouding my heart, in Jesus name.
3. I receive grace to be loyal to my leaders and associates, in Jesus name.
4. I rebuke any attitude in my life that is not making me to have loyal friends, in Jesus name.
5. O Lord, make me a loyal friend that I may attract loyal friends.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 13-15