DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Thursday, 15th February 2024

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:2

Memory VerseBut the one who endures and bears up [under suffering] to the end will be saved. Matthew 24:13 (AMP)

God is not through teaching us the different shades of the manifestation of His glory. It may surprise you that some of the people with the key to your next level are very difficult people. There are Pastors, bosses, parents, elders, unit leaders, family relations, etc, with the key to your next level who are very difficult to deal with.

Nothing you do ever pleases them. They are either picking faults or accusing you of insubordination or blaming you for your lackadaisical attitude towards God or work though you are doing your best to reach the mark. You really need to be very careful with these type of people, especially those in the possession of a measure of authority over you e.g. your pastor, parents, boss, etc.

Imagine how Elisha would have felt working with Elijah for about two decades? A wealthy farmer of timbre and calibre who was responsible for pouring water on the hands of a strange prophet. Isn’t that demeaning? What worked in him the needed endurance must have been discernment.

He must have been able to perceive beyond the pain that there is a glory ahead of the tunnel. Again, nothing of value is truly free beloved. Be sure the devil will do everything possible to stand between you and the messenger with the Oil of your glory. Don’t be too quick to take offence. Pay the price of endurance in order to obtain the key of your next phase.

A brother was annoyed with his biological father. His father hardly participated in anything in his life. He has very good reasons to be annoyed but are those genuine reasons when put side by side with the scriptures? There was no condition attached to the instructions when the scriptures says, “Honour your father and mother” in Ephesians 6:2.  

Now it was time for him to get married, and he insisted he was not going to invite his father to the occasion even though his father wouldn’t mind coming. Friend, you will need to die to your flesh again and again; day-in, day-out. What he doesn’t know is that there is a blessing  that can only come from your biological parents no prophet on earth can confer upon you. That is what the devil is actually fighting using the spirit of offence to mask. The devil is all out to kill, steal and to destroy. Either ways, he wants to inflict a measure of pain on you. Please don’t give him a legal ground. Die to self daily.

Please be sensitive. Decide to live out the Christ-like life whether it is convenient for you or not. DIE TO SELF DAILY. The solution to the problem of self is to develop the fruit of the Spirit. God bless you.

Quote: Opportunities are many times disguised as work. Similarly, there are messengers carrying the Oil of your glory within their difficult character. 

Prophetic Decree: By the mercies of God, you will not miss your forerunners of your glory, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for a message like this.

2. I receive grace for greater endurance, in Jesus name.

3. I come against spiritual arrogance, in Jesus name.

4. I receive greater grace for discernment, in Jesus name.

5. Let the Spirit of the Lord raise a standard against the works of the flesh in my life, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Leviticus 8-10

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