(1 Kings 19: 1 – 4; 2 Kings 13: 14 – 21)
Common causes of stress amongst God’s ministers include Church stagnation, financial pressure, pressure to perform, crowded programmes, elephant projects, unrealistic expectations, emotional worries, problematic members, troublesome associates, church bills/remittances, low attendance, problems at the home front, pressure from superiors, pulpit manners, family problems, etc. All these could take a negative toll on the minister’s health. Too many church leaders are becoming health liabilities with stroke, heart attacks, infirmities and dying prematurely as a result of stress and not taking heed to this kind of teachings.
May I ask you dear minister? When last did you spend quality time with your friends and family; most especially your spouse? Most ministers don’t know these are natural ways of cooling off ministerial stress. Be a husband/wife indeed to your spouse and laugh off the stress. Again, when last did you go for a medical check up? A Pastor was preaching in his church and people were really enjoying the sermon. Then suddenly he froze and had to be rushed to the hospital and never opened his eyes again. Another Pastor went to a mountain, proposing to fast for 100 days. He started and on the 31st day of the dry fast, he collapsed, started shaking, could not speak and lost the use of his hands and legs.
His sugar level was down, and he is still battling with his health till now. Similarly, another pastor who intended to do a long fast after so long a time had a system shutdown and couldn’t do the same ministry he wanted to die for many months after. Be wise. Long fasting has its own unique methodology. A Pastor was preaching vigorously and suddenly fell down from the pulpit and died there. Another Pastor went for a medical test. He is 50 years old, but the test result showed that his heart is that of an 80 year old! All these are not spiritual attacks, but results of stress, overwork and lack of work-life balance by ministers of the gospel.
Being a minister is a 24/7 job. BEING A PASTOR IS PERHAPS THE TOUGHEST JOB IN THE WHOLE WORLD. And most ministers are workaholic and work-addict, which results in stress and burnout. Stress is a state/condition of tiredness, weariness, pain in the body, exhaustion, lack of sleep and rest, having emotional issues and obesity – yet you can’t stop, because there is much to do! Be wise. Strike a ministerial -life balance. If you die prematurely without fulfilling your assignment, another person will take over. The purpose of God must stand. Be wise. Live a balanced life.
To be continued in the next quarter by God’s grace…