Monday, 1st November, 2021
Bible Reading: Daniel 6:3, Isaiah 11: 1-3, Romans 12:11
Memory Verse: Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm. Daniel 6:3 (NKJV)
With God, all things are possible. There are certain rare academic successes. Such is that of Miss Motunrayo Victoria Ajai who graduated from Petroleum Engineering Department, Covenant University emerging the overall best student with the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 5.0 during the 14th convocation ceremony of the institution held at Canaan Land, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. She is said to be the first student ever to attain 5.0 CGPA in the history of the institution, breaking the record of Mr. Deji Folutile of Architectural department who was the best graduating student in 2016 with 4.97 CGPA.
While delivering her speech on her convocation day, she expressed her joy saying she owes everything to God and the wonderful family she was born. “I got all the support I needed to succeed” she said. She also thanked friends, her department, and the entire management of the institution for putting up a working system that made her achieve the uncommon feat. Motunrayo has a passion for problem-solving, positive contributions and philanthropy. Her professional aspiration is to improve the energy sector in Nigeria through the advancement of climate action and the use of innovative processes in the fossil fuel industry for reduced environmental damage. Also in 2019, she was announced as the new CEO of Nigeria frontline jobs site, Jobberman.
Her advice:
1. The end does not always justify the means. Let the process of getting to that end be pure, not harboring malice or backbiting.
2. In life, our bad start or background should not define us. What will do is the knowledge we have acquired.
3. It is okay to make mistakes but letting those mistake define who you are or where you are going is what is not okay.
4. Our contributions, like drops of water will definitely make an ocean.
5. Everyone can make the world a better place.
6. Be proud of yourself.
7. The family remains the arrow head of all virtues and graces needed in the success of a child.
8. Always learn to celebrate God and all those who were part of your success story. A tree does not make a forest.
Quote: The end does not always justify the means. Let the process of getting to that end be pure – Motunrayo A.
Prophetic Decree: Your star shall arise and shine; and shall never go dim, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. The God of Excellent Wisdom, I adore thee.
2. I receive a fresh impactation of the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding, in Jesus name.
3. I receive a fresh baptism of the Spirit of the fear of God, good judgement, might, and the fear of God, in Jesus name.
4. In my generation, I shall stand out. I shall fulfill my destiny in a grand style.
5. I cancel all foundational curses and evil covenants in my family working against the full manifestation of the glory of God in my life, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Matthew 20-21