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Saturday, 12th February, 2022

Bible Reading: John 3:16, Mark 16: 15-17

Memory VerseThe punishment that brought us peace was upon him. Isaiah53:5b (BSB)

The Taliban is the name of the radical Islamic government of Afghanistan known throughout the world. Practicing Christianity is a serious crime in this oppressive nation run by the Taliban. Foreign groups who were allowed into the nation to distribute humanitarian aid had also brought in Christian books and materials. In many nations, humanitarian aid is the only open door to the gospel. However, the government quickly seized the materials. The government said that the children of Afghanistan weren’t to blame for being exposed to Christian teaching but their parents who failed to guide and care for their children hence they were arrested as a deterrent. Eight foreign-aid workers were arrested in August of 2001 along with numerous Afghans who had worked for Christian organizations. As of November 2001, the foreigners were being tried for preaching Jesus Christ to Muslims, a charge that could bring a death sentence. The Afghan workers face a chance to return to Islam yet they will be tried as apostates if they refuse. They also could face death sentence. Brethren, here are people ready to die for the name of Christ. What about you? The last time you were challenged when you went for evangelism was the last time you ever preached. “If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses?” (Jeremiah 12:5a ESV) What will you do when a gun is placed on your head to renounce Jesus or die? Wait a minute. Do we still preach about missions in today’s Churches? There are Christians who don’t know the difference between an evangelist and a missionary. As long as it lies in your hands, do the work of your master even if it will cost you your life. You heard me right. “They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives so as to shy away from death.”  Revelation 12:11 (BSB).

Quote:  At the end of your life, what kingdom risk will be credited to your name? – Rev12:11c

Prophetic Decree: May the Lord strengthen the feeble knees of all the veterans of the Gospel in hazardous places of the earth, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Jesus for loving us before we loved You.

2. My Father, please give me a heart for missions.

3. I receive grace to spend and be spent for the Gospel.

4. O Lord, I solemnly declare: Here I am, please send me.

5. I renounce and reject every encumbrance and weight of self, sin, and this world preventing me from doing your will, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Exodus 39-40

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