DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Friday, 22nd January, 2021.

Bible Reading: Romans 8: 28-32

Memory Verse: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Song Minister, Nathaniel Bassey famous for the “Hallelujah Challenge”, a 30-day praise and prayer time which started in June 2017 wrote: “There was a time I nursed a strong desire to travel abroad. As most young musicians, I wanted to tour the world. Even after I began to grow in Christ, I was not really dead to this wish. So I went for visa interviews for the US & UK. I remember some of the nights preceding the interviews. I’d pray all night, and read many chapters of the Bible. I mean read the whole books out loud. For example, the book of Revelations, Psalms etc. I also sow seeds, etc.

Then, I will go to the embassy and get a very POWERFUL NO stamped on my passport. This continued for few years. But then, as I grew in Christ, I became dead to traveling. That wish died. I couldn’t even be bothered. And I say this with every sense of humility and sincerity. I got to a point where the rejections never influenced what I thought of who God was/is to me. God and the things of God captured my heart. I’ve since found that in this Kingdom you will control and have whatever you are able to die to.

Today, the gates of nations are practically opened to me. I travel so much, sometimes I don’t want to hear a thing about traveling. In fact, sometimes with special kinds of visas for a select few. This is what I have found. If I had traveled those times, I will NOT be doing what I’m doing today. It was not time. My motive was not right. I would have, perhaps, traveled and ran away or stayed back and certainly towing a path opposite to this. Brothers and Sisters, sometimes what we call disappoints are actually deliverance. God’s amazing grace and mercy at work keeps us back from missing it. Dear friends, I pray with you today, that in our lives, only the WILL OF GOD shall be done and established, in His own way and time in Jesus’ name.”

My comment: God is more interested in moulding us into His image before bringing us into our destiny thereby saving our soul from eternal damnation even as He prospers us (3 John 2).

Quote: God’s time is the best. 

Prophetic Decree: You are moving from rejection to acceptance, in Jesus name 

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Jesus because your wisdom passes all understanding.

2. I ride on the wings of the Eagles to my divine location in destiny, in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit, please teach me to die to self, in Jesus name.

4. Whether I like it or not, I shall remain in the centre of God’s will for my life, in Jesus name.

5. My Father, please deliver me from popular opinion and covetousness, in Jesus name.

6. By the mercies of God, I shall not miss my destiny timing.

7. May I never go to where God is not going or do what God is not doing. I receive grace to know the will of God for my life per time, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Genesis 30-31

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