DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Sunday, 29th May, 2022

Bible Reading:  Philippians 2:25–27, 30

Memory Verse Don’t be excessively righteous, and don’t be overly wise. Why should you destroy yourself? Ecclesiastes 7:16 (CSB)

Kenneth E. Hagin once said: People also mistake faith for neglect in the area of taking care of their health. They think they can neglect their bodies and just pray and God will take care of them. But God also expects us to use some common sense. For example, in the winter time when I’m preaching on a platform where those hot stage lights generate so much heat, it would be foolish of me to immediately go outside without a coat! It would not be faithful to just say, “Well, I’m preaching the Word, so God will take care of me.”

We still need to use some common sense! Faith does not negate common sense, and it doesn’t mean we can neglect taking care of our physical bodies. If I leave the platform hot and sweaty and wear my coat so I can greet my congregation at the door where the cold wind blows on me, does that mean I don’t have any faith? No, it means I’ve got some sense! People who neglect their physical bodies in the name of “faith” need to ask God’s forgiveness before they ask for healing! Some believers are always needing God to heal them because they’ve neglected using common sense, and they’ve acted foolishly.

Sometimes, God blesses us despite our ignorance, but He expects us to learn and grow spiritually! We need to realize that we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves too. We just can’t keep pushing our bodies, or we begin to develop physical symptoms. In Philippians 2: 30, the Wuest translation says that Epaphroditus “recklessly exposed his life”. Many Bible scholars say that Epaphroditus got into trouble because he was overworked in the ministry and neglected his health. His intentions were good; he was working for the Lord. Nevertheless, Epaphroditus neglected to take care of his body properly, so it began to give him trouble. Epaphroditus had helped Paul greatly in the ministry.

If Paul had lost Epaphroditus, his fellow-labourer, he would have been sorrowful. That’s why Paul said, “. . . lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow” (v. 27). But Paul not only would have been sorry to lose Epaphroditus, but he probably would have also felt responsible for allowing this fellow minister to overwork. We’ve got to take care of ourselves! Taking good care of our bodies doesn’t hinder our faith. Not taking care of our bodies can hinder our faith because then we’re always sick and have to spend all our time trying to get healed—and we wonder why!

Quote: The problem of most Christians is the problem of balance.

Prophetic Decree:  Let the power of God minister life to your ailing body, in Jesus mighty name.

Prayer Focus

1. Authority of Christ, come into my body, in Jesus name.

2. Strangers in my body, run out of your hiding place in Jesus name.

3. Healing power of God, move into my life in Jesus name.

4. I close every door of sickness and disease opened unto me, in Jesus name.

5. I receive the grace of sound mind in a sound body, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:   1 kings 1-2, Psalm 37, 71, 94

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