DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Saturday, 2nd April, 2022

God was willing to do something new with the life of Apostle Peter. I perceive that in God’s original design, Apostle Peter was not only meant to open the gospel to the Gentiles, he was also meant to establish them in same. But, he was rather too dogmatic and inflexible. Be careful of your rigid mindset.

Similarly in our lives, God could be saying, “I am willing to use you more for bigger and greater kingdom impact”. However, many are saying, “Not so, Lord”. I am comfortable as a back bencher in Church. I am comfortable floating around in Church.

I am comfortable using my skills and talents only for Jesus on Sunday when I can daily use them. I am unwilling to take up more kingdom assignments. I have been hurt in my former Church hence, I need a break from further kingdom service. How often do we allow sentiments and complacency in our walk with the Lord and work for the Lord? Particularly, there are young folks whom God is planning great and mighty things for in the nearest future.

In view of this, God wants them to be more committed to Him as a token of covenant. Instead they would rather want to be a financial arm of the gospel because they are lost in their self pursuit and self ambition, but aren’t willing to use their time and talents sacrificially for their Master. Hear me beloved: You don’t call the shot. God does. For your sacrifice to be acceptable (Rom. 12:1), it must be done in God’s time and in God’s way.

Lay it all down at the feet of the Cross. Go the extra length for your Master. What many of such people don’t know is that only God knows tomorrow. He knows there is a satanic ambush waiting for them at the corridor of breakthrough hence, He is giving them an opportunity to store for themselves sufficient Oil of service needed to provoke His divine intervention when they get to that junction. Don’t play yourself out of destiny. Serve the Lord in the days of your youth. He is all that will ever matter.

Quote:  Eternal opportunities given to you in the days of your youth when missed may never be recovered. 

Prophetic Decree:  May the Lord break you, and mould you to what He wants you to be, in Jesus mighty name.

Prayer Focus

1. Sing the song, “Lord I offer my life to you”.

2. Lord, I am sorry for giving only part of me unto you.

3. Today, I give my life, my heart, and my love unto you, in Jesus mighty name.

4. Any resistance in my soul drawing me back, die, in Jesus mighty name.

5. Blood of Jesus severe me from lust, the world, and sin, in Jesus name.

6. I receive grace to travel the extra mile for Jesus.


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