DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Monday, 8th May 2023

Bible Reading: Matthew 24: 40-44

Memory Verse: Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day on which your Lord will come. Matthew 24: 42 (BSB)

Emmanuella Mike-Bamiloye wrote: “In recent times, I’ve developed the habit of checking up on my husband’s movement on a certain app on my phone especially when I’m really looking forward to his return. I check the app from time to time to know where he is or how close to the house he’s gotten.

Some days ago, I decided to check the app and I could see he was very close so I went outside to wait for him so as to welcome him. As I stood waiting, I realized the similarity between that situation and waiting for the coming of Jesus. Of course there’s no app to track Him but we have prophecies in God’s Word that makes it clear that we are in the last days. It’s however unfortunate that many aren’t living for His return.

People are living anyhow and even laughing at us the same way they did to Noah when he was building the Ark. This is just to encourage you to keep on living for Jesus, He is coming back for His own. Occupy till He comes.”

While you await the soon coming king, do the following self-examination:

1. Wash your heart. (Psalm 73:1)

2. Keep a social distance from evil (Job 28:28).

3. Avoid the gathering of wickedness and wicked men. (Psalm 1:1)

4. Cover your mind from being infected from the sneeze of sin and hatred. (Lev. 19:17).

5. Do not shake hands with abomination. (Deut. 25:16).

6. Do not hug heresy and false teachings. (2 Pet. 2:1).

7. Be saved so that you will be safe. (Jer. 17:14).

8. Sanitize your life with the Word of God. (Psalm 1:2).

9. In case you notice any symptoms of sin, call the help line of Christ in PRAYER. (Jer. 33:3).

10. Always remember to boost your spiritual immunity with Faith and the Power of the Holy Spirit. (Jude 1:20).

QuoteOccupy till I come – Luke 19: 13

Prophetic Decree: Heaven at last! That shall be your portion, in Jesus mighty name.

Prayer Focus

1. Like the 5 wise virgins, may my Master meet me prepared, in Jesus name.

2. Unlike the 5 foolish virgins, may I not be a cast away at the appearance of the Master, in Jesus name.

3. Any material or habit of hell fire in me, catch fire, in Jesus name.

4. Holy Spirit, please baptize my heart with the vision of heaven, in Jesus name.

5. I will not miss heaven because of any material things of this world, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 25,29,33,36,39

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