DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Tuesday, 6th February 2024

Bible Reading: Proverbs 22:6
Memory Verse:  Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 (AMP)

John Wesley’s mom, Susanna Wesley raised her children in the faith. Few moms know what it’s like to raise 10 children all in the way of the Lord like Susanna Wesley. Her son John, the founder of the Methodist movement, published a letter in which his mom shared her “principal rules” for parenting, covering both big and small things.

1.On religious education (devotions) – The children of this family were taught, as soon as they could speak, the Lord’s prayer, which they were made to say at rising and bedtime constantly.

2.On worship and music – When the Wesley children were a little older, the day began with reading or singing a psalm, reading an Old Testament chapter, and saying private prayers—all before breakfast. At the end of the school day, they paired up to read a psalm and a New Testament chapter.

3.On sabbath – Sundays were special in the Wesley house. The children “were very early made to distinguish the sabbath from other days,” Susanna wrote. They were expected to participate in the family prayers, “which they used to do by signs before they would kneel or speak.”

4.On education (focus) – In the Wesley household, nine to noon and two to five were reserved for the children’s education, a top priority for Susanna. “It is almost incredible what a child may be taught in a quarter of a year, by a vigorous application,” she remembered.

5.On goofing off – Susanna expected the children’s full attention during the education hours. “Rising out of their places, or going out of the room, was not permitted unless for good cause, and running into the yard, garden or street, without leave, was always esteemed a capital offence.”

  1. On reading – Each child was taught to read at age 5, both the boys and the girls. Susanna noted, “Putting children to learn sewing before they can read perfectly is the very reason why so few women can read to be heard, but never to be well understood.” She would not allow that for her daughters or sons.

Susanna Wesley observed a strict schedule with times for education, naps, meals, and bedtime. Parents, go and do likewise.

Quote: Train your child the way He should go, and when He grows up, he will not depart from it.
Prophet Decree: May your children have friends like Jonathan and not friends like Jonadab, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

  1. My children shall be mighty seed upon the earth, in Jesus name.
  2. The wolves of this earth shall not take my children in captivity, in Jesus name.
  3. Holy Spirit, please give my children the willingness and the ability to do your will, in Jesus name.
  4. I bind and cast out the spirit of disobedience and rebellion out of my children, in Jesus name.
  5. O Lord, please deliver my children from unfriendly friends, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 22-24

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