DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Sunday, 12th September, 2021

Bible Reading: Proverbs 30: 11-14, 17

Memory Verse: Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6: 2-3 (KJV)

Never mock these sets of people in life and ministry:

  1. Your Parents: Reuben slept with his father’s concubine and he ended up with a generational curse. Absalom chased his father away from the throne, he died unceremoniously. Whatever you do to bring shame to your parents is mockery. Mothers, please never instigate your children against their father. That’s too dangerous for them. Whatever disagreements you have with their father stops with you. Do not extend it to your children. Teach them to covet their father’s Blessing. Let the heart of their father bless the children. Malachi 4:6 says…”whosoever separates children from their father, upon them shall be a curse.” (NLT). If you are guilty of this, please humble yourself and go make things right with your father. If you don’t, life will be a struggle for you. Be wise. Children, I know some fathers haven’t been up to their task in the world of today, however, in order to fulfill your destiny, be matured in your handling. “And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 (NKJV)
  2. A genuine servant of God: Some youths came out of nowhere and began to chant a mockery song against Elisha. They were torn into pieces by bears. An elderly man in Benin, Edo state, Nigeria said on the morning Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s death was announced, he was so excited because he hated the man with passion. He said he sent for two of his friends and they began to toast to the Archbishop’s death. While still making noise and bantering in his sitting room, some people ran into his house and told him a gravel tipper had just knocked down his son on his way to lectures at the University of Benin. The young undergraduate died on the spot. The elderly man in his seventies said ‘I have learnt never to mock a true servant of God’. Similarly, a woman approached a minister of God to come lead her husband to Christ on his death bed. In humility, the man surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and there was an aura of peace on his embattled face. Before he breathed his last, he said “All my life, I have mocked servants of God. We are 5 friends and all of them died this way. I am the last of them, but now I have made peace with God”. Never join anyone to mock true servants of God. Wise people do not despise spiritual dignitaries.
  3. Your spouse: Husband is the head of the family. This is God’s order. Mocking him is defying the laws of God. Micah mocked David her husband. She never had a child for David. When you begin to call your spouse names,
    you are in for serious trouble. When you mock or curse your spouse, it will adversely affect you too because two have become one flesh.
    Quote: You can never have a good reason for trespassing God’s divine order.
    Prophetic Decree: Receive the garment of humility and the mantle of honour, in Jesus name.
    Prayer Focus
  4. The God of order, I honour you.
  5. I come against the spirit of arrogance and pride in my heart in Jesus name.
  6. I resist the devil from moving me against divine authorities, in Jesus name.
  7. I repent of anyway I have mocked my parents, pastor and spouse, in Jesus name.
  8. I command restoration to all I have lost, in Jesus name.
    BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 46-48

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