DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Sunday, 21st May 2023

Bible Reading: Galatians 6: 7-10

Memory Verse: Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. Proverbs 3:27 (NIV)

In England in 1920 there was a graduation ceremony for a batch of new doctors. It was attended by the British Prime Minister of that time. During the ceremony, the lead doctor who was in charge of that batch gave the necessary advice to these new graduates. He told them an incident that happened to him sometimes back: “It was after midnight, and I heard a knock on my door. It was an old lady, and she said to me: ‘O my doctor, my child is sick and in a very serious condition, so please do something to save him.’ I rushed out to follow her to her house without worrying what will happen because it was a stormy night, and very cold. The rain was pouring down very heavily. I did not fear for my life. Her house was on the outskirts of London, and after a difficult journey, we reached her house. She lived in a small room with her son.

When I entered the room, I saw her son at the corner of this room groaning and deeply in pain. After I did my duty towards the sick child, the mother gave me a small bag with money. I refused to take this bag and I told her gently that I can’t accept that payment, because I felt sorry for their situation. Then I promised her that I will take care of her child until he gets better.” The lead doctor continued in his speech: “This is the true profession of medicine, and being a doctor is the closest profession to mercy and one of the closest to God”. As soon as the lead doctor finished his speech, the Prime Minister jumped out of his seat and headed to the podium. “Permit me sir, to kiss your hand. For twenty years now I have been looking for you. I am the child you mentioned in your story just now.

Oh, how happy will my mother be, and I know she will rest in peace now. Her only wish was for me to find you and reward you for that goodness you did for us at the time we were living in poverty.” That poor sick child who became the Prime Minister of England was Lloyd George. Plant goodness wherever you go because it will never get lost wherever you plant it. It is even more nice if your goodness lasts longer. Because no one shall harvest that goodness except the one who has planted it. The owner of goodness does not fall, if he falls he will fall on a pillow to comfort and support him. “Those who destroyed others to succeed will surely meet destruction at the gate of their own success.”

Quote Doing goodness to others will always purify your heart, and it will fight any kind of evil which comes your way.

Prophetic Decree: May the Lord remember your good works today, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for today’s devotional.

2. After the order of Mordecai, O Lord, let my past goodness come to you as a memorial altar.

3. Powers that causes past goodness not to speak for me, die, in Jesus name.

4. Holy Spirit, please give me a heart like Jesus.

5. I receive wisdom to live a life of goodness and hospitality. My good deeds and good intentions will not turn evil, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 22-23; Psalm 57

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