DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Thursday, 7th March 2024

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 12: 23

Memory VerseAnd be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18 (KJV)

Permit me to reiterate again that there are two sides to the word, ‘addiction’. As a follow up to yesterday’s devotional, let’s consider the term positive side to addiction. Psychology Today says, the term “positive addiction” was advanced by William Glasser in a book with the same name. His focus is primarily the activities of running and meditating, though he offers many other examples from the experiences of others such as cooking, playing or performing music, meditation, dancing, etc.

Glasser claims that positive addictions “strengthen us and make our lives more satisfying.” They also enable us to “live with more confidence, more creativity, and more happiness, and usually in much better health.” Positive addictions, unlike their negative cousins, enhance life. The same applies to the things of the spirit. Believe me, the Holy Spirit could be addictive. Do you know the same way you can be hooked to hard drugs, you can also be hooked to prayers.

The same way the fire of lust could burn a man, you can burn with the fire of evangelism. The same way you could be addicted to food, you can be addicted to fasting. It is all about a little discipline done consistently under the leading of the Holy Spirit which later becomes a lifestyle. Believe me dearly beloved, you can be addicted to spiritual exercise. Consider this scripture, “Don’t destroy yourself by getting drunk, but let the Spirit fill your life.” Ephesians 5:18 (CEV).

Receive grace to be Spirit-filled in Jesus name. Prophet Samuel vowed he will not cease to pray for Israel in 1 Samuel 12:23 (CSB) when he said, “As for me, I vow that I will not sin against the LORD by ceasing to pray for you. I will teach you the good and right way.” He was a man addicted to intercessory prayer and addicted to teaching the Word of God.

Paul the Apostle in 1 Corinthians 9:16 (NIV) said, “For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” That was a man addicted to evangelism.

Brethren, when will you grow to a point of addiction to raising the banner of the kingdom wherever you find yourself? When will you put yourself under an oath such as 2hrs commitment to intercessory prayers for the salvation of souls everyday? Stop leaving a normal Christian life.

There is nothing of great value found on the surface. The biggest of fishes are found deep under the ocean floor. The strongest of trees have their tap root buried within the water table many metres below the ground. Arise, Oh Zion. Be consecrated to a deep life. Be addicted for the profiting of the kingdom of God. Amen.

Quote: Your failure to be addicted for the Master’s use will make you vulnerable for the use of Satan, sin, self, and the world.

Prophetic Decree: Every scheme of the enemy to quench your fire of consecration shall not prosper, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. Thank you Father for making available the wine of your Spirit.

2. Bread of heaven, fill me up till I want no more.

3. I receive grace to be an addicted carrier of the mark of Christ wherever I go, in Jesus name.

4. I receive grace to be an addicted intercessor, in Jesus name.

5. O Lord let your fire of consecration burn consistently in my heart, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Numbers 28-30

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