DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Friday, 5th August, 2022

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6, Hebrews 12:4

Memory Verse For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)

No matter how certain people try to be free from sin and sexual immorality, they may find it seemingly difficult or impossible until they start to fight from the third heavens. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Personal discipline is beautiful and should be encouraged, but it has its own limitations. Today, let’s talk about the place of spiritual warfare in possessing a sanctified and honourable vessel.

  1. Imagine someone who has been battling with spirit wife or spirit husband. The answer to such malady is spiritual warfare. Else, the oppression continues.
  • A brother had been following a new convert. She was a former prostitute. One day, he went for discipleship. Before you know it, the sister stripped herself naked. Thank God for the power of God in His life. He roared like a lion, “Get thee behind me Satan”. Suddenly the girl gained back her senses and put on her clothes. Imagine if he was a powerless Christian. This is why it is always adviceable to go in twos for evangelism/discipleship. Pastors are also advised to have an alarm system in their office especially during counselling. The spirit of prostitution though had been cast out was still lurked around her life.
  • Apostle Michael Orokpo said that a creature came out of the wall and declared: “You will end up in the lap of a woman.” Sometimes you need to shutdown your itinerary in order to take care of your soul before you become another deterrent to the body of Christ. Songs of Solomon 1:6 (ABPE) says, “You shall not look at me, because I am black, because the sun has darkened me. The children of my mother fought hard with me; they made me keeper of vineyards, and my vineyard I have not kept.”

4. While interceeding for the land, a  creature with the body of lady and the head of a man came out of the wall and sat upon the chest of our dear brother. In his carnal thinking, he bit the creature but nothing happened. Then he cried, “O Lord, please help me”. The creature who was an evil prince of perversion suddenly dematerialized as Light entered the room. In the weeks proceeding, this brother started to have a very strong urge to hug every lady that he came across. Having prayed but with little or no change, he went to his father in the Lord who commanded the spirit of lust to depart from him. Your purity comes with a fight atimes. Wage a good warfare. 

Quote:  You must fight to keep your vessel pure – Apostle Michael Orokpo

Prophetic Decree: Any prince of darkness lurked up in your members dies today, in Jesus name

Prayer Focus

1. Altar of desecration in my members, catch fire, in Jesus name.

2. Fire of the Holy Ghost purify my spirit, soul and body today, in Jesus name.

3. I command the hold of any prince of sexual perversion to break in my life, in Jesus name.

4. I break any evil covenant between me and any stubborn spirit wife/husband, in Jesus name.

5. Fire of deliverance pass through my body, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35

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