DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Mon Jun 5, 2017

Bible reading: Numbers 13:1-33
Memory Verse: Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” Mark 10:27 (NLT)
One thing you must do for yourself after accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour is to daily renew your mind by eating the Word and other anointed books (Joshua 1:8).

Possibility mentality describes a mindset labeled “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE”. Many confess this but few act it out. Possibility mentality means deleting the word “impossible” from your conscious and sub-conscious mind. A person with a possibility mindset is always seeing light even in deep darkness. Amidst darkness, the earth was without form and void, yet, God saw light. Hence, He commanded, “Let there be light” (Gen.1:2-3).

A person with a possibility mindset is always daring, sees no obstacle, takes calculated risk, and perseveres until he sees his dreams and aspirations come to pass. A person with a possibility mindset is ready to spend and to be spent until his dreams come to manifestation. It is also the belief that the impossible can be transformed mysteriously into possibilities.
Through a mentality of possibilities, Abraham gave birth to Isaac, not considering his age and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. Apostle Paul yielded to the view of possibilities when he said “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).
Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego had a mentality that it is impossible for God to abandon them in the fiery furnace because nothing is impossible with God (Daniel 3:15-16, Luke 1:37). However, the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem appeared impossible to Samballat and Tobiah. They said, “What does this poor, feeble Jews think they are doing? Do they think they can build the wall?”(Neh. 4:2). These critics and enemies of great things are deficient and pessimistic in their thinking because their mind is sold out to the devil.

The connection of man with the Spirit of God is what makes the impossible possible. The Holy Ghost came on Mary and the power of God overshadowed her before she could conceive a child without mating with a man (Luke 1:34-35). Also, in Genesis 1:2-3, the Spirit of God moved upon the surface of the waters before God called forth light amidst gross darkness. What the Spirit of God will not do, no man can successfully attempt. It is the Spirit that quickens… (John 6:63, DBY). Change your perspective about that difficult subject in school and that life situation. You can know all things! 
Quote: When Man connects with God, nothing is impossible.
Prophetic Word: Let the Blood of Jesus erase every impossibility mindset, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
Holy Spirit, perform a mind surgery in my life today, in Jesus name.
My inner man, receive fire, become fire, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, align my thoughts with the thought of Christ today, in Jesus name.

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