DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Thursday, 22nd December, 2016.

Bible reading: Galatians 6:7-8.

Memory Verse: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7(NKJV)


  1. The guilt of killing a life.
  2.  Disappointment: Such a person disappoints herself and her parents.
  3. Inability to conceive after abortion:  Imagine if an individual as has being ordained to give birth to only one child and such as already been aborted?
  4. Untold medical complications.
  5. Evil attacks: Breaking God’s instruction could open a life to various demonic attack.
  6. Conscious and unconscious demonic covenants.

 N.B. You haven’t been caught in d web of teen pregnancy talk less of abortion because you have mastered the art of using contraceptives doesn’t mean you’re smart. You are committing sin against God and your body. Stop defiling your body, the temple of d living God (1Cor. 6:

Doctors and various Medical practitioners aborting should know that the wrath of God is imminent and there are devastating consequences awaiting them both in this world and on the judgment day.

A word for the guys:

Do you think you can impregnate that girl, push her into committing abortion and go free? Are you sure she hasn’t placed a curse on you for defiling her without owning up to your responsibility?

Moreover, inside your sperm is a spiritual code capable of tracking your destiny. You had better fear God, repent and restitute before you become a “deliverance patient” all the days of your life; running from pillar to post.

Key Point: You can’t dine with the devil and won’t have your hand burnt.

Prayer Point

  1. My Father, I come to you today, please forgive me of all my sins. Help me to restitute my ways and live pure and holy for you, in Jesus name we pray.
  2. Holy Spirit, repair my life today, in the name of Jesus.

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