DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Thursday, 14th July, 2022

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:16, 2 Timothy 2:15

Memory VerseWho being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power.  Hebrews 1:3a (NKJV)

An invited guest minister gave a very dangerous revelatory prophecy. The person concerned organized an hired killer to ambush him on the highway. The hired assassins told him that his life has been paid for. He ordered him to get down from the car but he said he cannot. He cocked the gun, shot in the air and a loud boom erupted. He pointed the sophisticated gun at this man of God, and the Spirit of God in him rose up. He told him point blank that that which is of earth is earth. Provided that gun was made from the earth, it can’t harm him (Psalm 24:1).

The gun wouldn’t fire. He further told the hired assassins that if he tried to shoot him the second time, the bullet will reverse in the opposite direction and he will be dead. That was exactly what happened and he was dead. When others saw the raw demonstration of the power of God at work, they took to their heels. I bring a challenge unto you today. How much of the power of God do you carry physically and spiritually? How do you respond in times of danger? Response in faith or in fear? Do you know that you can carry so much power but die due to fear? If you don’t feed yourself sufficiently with the Word of God by consciously building your faith in times of peace, the Holy Ghost may have nothing to provoke in times of danger.

This is not about the big title you are called. Feed the giant in you with words of faith DAILY in season and out of season. Read the Word of God into your ears in the morning, afternoon and night. Read it during your quiet time, play it via audio in your car, play it on your mp3, etc. One of our fathers in faith has a very large property. Every morning, there is a blaring audio emitting the audio version of the Bible into the atmosphere for all living (man, plants and animals) and non-living things to hear.

Why won’t they be living in health and vitality? You may need another version of the Bible for your personal study of the Word of God. Furthermore, with the help of a Bible concordance, you can read the Bible topically (topic by topic). For example you can take a topic like faith, holiness, Holy Spirit, etc. You can also read the Bible chapter by chapter, etc. The Word of God is the greatest investment you will ever make. Word bankruptcy is life bankruptcy.

Quote:  Those who complain they don’t have time for the Word of God are potential victims in times of trouble.

Prophetic Decree: Receive the fire of the word of God, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for the power in your Word.

2. I receive grace to be strong in the day of battle, in Jesus name.

3. Fire in the Word of God, enter into me, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, strengthen my convictions about who I am in You as a Christian.

5. I refuse to be a candidate of armed robbery attack. I refuse to be a victim of kidnaping, in Jesus name.


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