Mon Apr 24, 2017
Bible reading: Colossians 3: 6-17, 2 Timothy 2:15.
Memory Verse: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Mark 1:35(NIV)
3. Set a time and place: It’s easy to get stuck in the ‘busyness’ of our day-to-day life, and it can be hard in the very beginning to build strong Bible reading habits. One good way to start is to create a particular time and place to meditate on God’s Word, and stick to that schedule. In the same way a person builds the habit of exercising, reading the Bible soon become a habit; converting your soul and transforming your spirit.
4. Focus on the quality, not the quantity: Reading the Bible for all it’s worth is not about reading the most that you can in one single day, but getting intensely soaked by God’s Word every time you read it. There is so much truth in the Bible that just one passage can reveal tons of Rhema (revealed Word of God) into a person’s life. I know a businessman who jots down pages of notes into his journal from one single verse in the Bible. There is so much depth to the Word of God that we cannot unfold in one sitting.
Quote: What physical food is to the body is what the Bible is to your spirit.
Prophetic Word: As you open the Bible, the Bible will open up to you, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus:
- Open my eyes, oh God to the mystery in your Word in Jesus name.
- I receive grace to be Word discipline, in Jesus name (Lamentation 3:27 AMP).
- I rebuke every spirit of nonchalant attitude to the Word of God, in Jesus name.
- Holy Spirit, provoke my love for the Word, in Jesus name.