DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Wednesday, 26th July, 2023

Bible Reading: 1Timothy 6: 9-11

Memory Verse:  For those who seek after riches and gaining them quickly, their appetite will never be satisfied. The root of these desires is greed and the pursuit for more will never. Ecclesiastes 5:10 (NLT)

The world is so bad now that so many people do a lot of strange things in order to be rich. Today, people do all kinds of  devilish  things in the quest to make money and fame. A man was caught when he was trying to change his clothes to that of a mad person. According to eye witnesses, they have been suspecting the mad man for some time now because of the ways he does things. He was caught by his relatives and he was asked to confess to people that he is not mad.

He left his home state for a neighboring state to cover up. It was very clear that he was undergoing an assignment which was given to him in his occultic society. After series of interrogations and questioning, the man confessed why he decided to pretend to be mad. According to him, he said he went for money rituals after he had suffered in the street for many years and the only thing the native doctor told him to do was to act like a mad man for five years before his ritual process can be completed and after then he will be rich like never before.

He has successfully served his punishment for 3 years now before his deception was uncovered. He said he has been eating from waste bin and begging people for money to eat. Can you imagine people stooping so low in order to be rich?

In the 21st century when as they say, they want it “sharp sharp”, perhaps this testimony is obsolete. There are environment where almost all the youths in the age bracket of 15 -34 are driving highly rated posh cars. You wonder what business these young folks are doing. Hear me young ones: “Whoever sow to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (Galatians 6:8 NIV). True transgenerational wealth is a product of God’s grace, divine direction, divine purpose, dedicated hardwork, patience and process. Wait for your time.

Quote: If your God is the owner of the cattles upon a thousand hills, then by following Him, you can’t be poor – Psalm 50:10

Prophetic Decree: May the covenant of divine wealth manifest in your life, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. O Lord, please deliver my soul from destruction, in Jesus name.

2. I reject the love of money in Jesus name.

3. I receive financial wisdom needed to make, manage and multiply money, in Jesus name.

4. I reject the mindset of quick rich schemes, in Jesus name.

5. Authority of financial ease overshadow my finances, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 40-43

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