Thu, Aug 31, 2017
Bible reading: Daniel 9: 1-12
Memory Verse: Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. Psalm 107:19
In Daniel 9, Daniel read as revealed to Prophet Jeremiah that Jerusalem must lie desolate for seventy years (vs 2). Then, he began to earnestly seek the face of God in prayers and fasting till their deliverance came (vs 3&4). Again, these evil powers almost prolonged the captivity of Judah when the Prince of Persia withstood Daniel’s prayers for 21 days (Dan.10:21). Daniel’s persistence on the altar of fervent prayers brought the victory as at when due. Hallelujah. This is the cause of many problems in the nations of the world.
I curse problem expanders in your life in Jesus name. However, you must repent from any known and unknown sin. Sin strengthens the efficacy of these wicked powers in the life of any individual or nation.
Quote: When the devil has stolen from you, recovery is by force – Dr D.K Olukoya.
Prophetic Word: Powers chasing you tirelessly shall suddenly collide with the Rock of Ages today and die, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus:
- Problem expanders of my father’s house, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Strongman of family limitation, die, in Jesus name.
- Powers backing up destiny stagnation in my life, die, in Jesus name.
- I recover all my wasted years, in the name of Jesus.
- Chains of destiny limitation, break, in Jesus name.