DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Monday, 1st February, 2021.

Bible Reading: 1Thessalonians 5:17, Psalm 116:8, Malachi 2:1-2

Memory VersePraise the LORD, O my soul! Do not forget all his kind deeds! Psalm 103:2 (NET)

If you think God hasn’t been fair to you, I’ll advice you to have a re-think. A Pastor once visited a hospital to pray for a sick boy. The doctor explained that the blood of the sick boy cannot take in oxygen. Hence, his blood must be oxygenated by passing it through a machine before returning it back into his body again. That process costs £9,000 (#4,500,000) every week. Do you know how many times you have breathe in and out in the last 5 seconds FREE OF CHARGE? If that is the amount needed to care for a person’s blood, what about your liver, eyes, legs, kidney, heart, etc., which God has been dutifully preserving for many years? Brother, you may be facing a lot of challenges and pressures but mind you, His grace has been more than sufficient for you.

Sister, there are many people in deeper problems than yours. You must learn to worship God even in the midst of your storms. This is an evident token of your enemies’ destruction. It could have been worse, save for His mercies. Stop putting on a gloomy face. The whole world is not crashing down on you. Do you know you must thank God for the ability to fart? O yes! A doctor once gave a fellow a verdict that should he refuse to fart in the next 30 minutes, that may be the end of his life. Open wide your mouth right now and give God praise. You think you are in the midst of a terrible spiritual battle? Many attacks every night? Let me reliably inform you that God has been fighting much bigger battles for you which He has decided not to show you because your faith wouldn’t be able to carry it. Psalms 103:2 says, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits”.

The Psalmist knows that the memory span of the human mind is short hence, it is capable of forgetting many of God’s benefits. Do you know some people are wondering how you got married, had children and how you are living a good life despite their numerous attacks? There are many enemies within and around whom you do not know. But for His mercies we are not consumed. What could our Israel have said if God hadn’t been for us? I will advise you to master your emotions. Get a pen and paper, write down all the so-called ‘little blessings” God has done for you. Please don’t cluster it up. That is what it means to count your blessings and name it one by one. I assure you, it will surprise you what God has done. Grateful heart. Happy New Month.

Quote: No matter your present position, where you are is somebody’s prayer point.

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to see your challenges from the lens of gratitude, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for the great and marvellous things You always do.

2. Holy Spirit, please open the door of praise and gratitude in my spirit, in Jesus name.

3. Powers working against my peace, fight yourselves, in Jesus name.

4. Anything done in the hour of the night against my health, backfire, in Jesus name.

5. I receive grace to raise an altar of praise unto God in all situations, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Exodus 7-9

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