DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Monday, 20th March, 2023

Bible Reading:  Ephesians 5: 14-17 (MSG), Jeremiah 17:9

Memory Verse:  Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants. Ephesians 5: 17 (MSG)

A person is hanging around you does not mean he/she is ready for any serious relationship. As soon as there is a measure of progressive relationship between you and another member of the opposite sex, wisdom demands you define the relationship. Else, you may be rushing ahead for a heartbreak. A “player” is that person who is in a relationship only for his/her own selfish purpose, and not for love. A player is on a parasitic mission on his/her host. Don’t allow another person play on your intelligence only to use and later dump you.

Other characteristics of players:

1. A player tickles your fantancies and not your purpose:You are meant to be preparing for your forth coming examination then he/she comes around for a gist. You share your passions with such but he/she just rebuffs it. Run….I say run.

2. A player does not wait for bonding but “bedding”: He/She doesn’t really want to know you. All such wants is to go to the bed with you. Pre-marital or extra martal sex will never be acceptable by God under any condition. Guess what? As soon as he goes to bed with you, he may no longer chat, call, or even attend church services regularly again. after he sleep with you. On the other hand for the brothers, as soon as she collects money for her shopping, school fees, hostel fees, iPhone she zooms off. Be warned not everyone even in the work force of the Church truly know God. There are many wolves in sheep clothing.

3. A player uses routine as an excuse: Should a person who professes to be your friend tells you to come only on some particular days or time without any satisfactory excuse, such a person is probably hiding something. Watch and pray the scriptures say. 

Quote:  Players are “prey-ers” 

Prophetic Decree:  May the Blood of Jesus speak against foundational altars of your father’s house working against your marriage, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Lord, please purge me of all deceit in my relationship endeavours, in Jesus name.

2. I refuse to be associated with falsehood in my relationship endeavours, in Jesus name.

3. I receive grace for sensitivity and discernment, in Jesus name.

4. I break the backbone of powers that magnetize only the wrong people my way, in Jesus name.

5. Altars that fight my parents marriage, my marriage is not your property, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 28-29

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