DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Sat, Sept 23, 2017

Bible reading: 1 Cor.15:57-58

Memory Verse: The LORD said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” Psalm 110:1 (NKJV)

A guy attended a wedding. The reception was a gathering of 30 people. He sat at the front seat. Then a lady started serving food. She started from the back and unfortunately, the food got finished before getting to the front. The sharing of the drinks started from the front. Before then, he had already taken his seat to the back. Once beaten twice shy, he thought to himself. Again, the drink got finished before getting to him. The guy was so furious as he stood up to take his leave. But then, he saw three ladies each with a big bowl. This time, he tried to be wise by seating at the middle. To his uttermost surprise, one of the ladies started from the front, and the second lady started distributing from the back. It was turkey meat. When it got to the middle where he was seated, it got finished again.

Feeling so frustrated, he bent his head, not looking at any face. A different lady tapped him and stretched her bowl. He reluctantly stretched out his hand… Guess what was in the bowl? Toothpick!!!

The story seems humorous but I would want to draw out some eternal lessons:

  1. As in the garden of Eden, God meets His children in a particular place. Only men full of faith wait for him there till the end.
  2. You may not know the direction God may be coming from, but be courageous and stay where He has kept you. He will locate you at that exact location in His own time. Don’t panic in anxiety!
  3. Stop moving from Church to church in expectation of answered prayers. Again, stay where He has Divinely positioned you.
  4. Don’t change your confession or faith. God knows your seat! Don’t try to be smart and miss His blessings. The race is not for the swift! Eccl.9:11

Quote: Add patience to your faith – Bible

Prophetic Word: The Lord your God shall appear and delay no more, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus:

  1. Powers tossing me to and fro, die, in Jesus name.
  2. Witchcraft manipulations of my Divine inheritance, die, in Jesus name.
  3. I reverse every demonic speed crippling the answers to my prayers, in Jesus name.
  4. I cut off my destiny from every convenant with snail and tortoise spirit, in Jesus name.
  5. I receive the anointing for accelerated progress, in Jesus name.

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